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31 March 2020 Third Known Locality for the Booklouse Speleketor flocki Gurney Found in Big Gypsum Valley, Colorado
Derek Uhey, Deborah Kendall
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Speleketorinae booklice are rarely collected, but their disjunct populations are especially useful for studying ancient geographical patterns. We report the third known locality for a rare booklouse, Speleketor flockiGurney 1943, not collected in more than 35 years. We collected a single female from a pitfall trap in Big Gypsum Valley, Colorado, in July 2012. Previously, the species was known only from two caves in hot, low-elevation deserts of Arizona and Nevada. This new record expands the range of the entire genus significantly north and into colder environments at higher elevation. While some Speleketorinae might be restricted to caves, our finding of a specimen with wings outside a cave suggests a life stage that disperses.

Derek Uhey and Deborah Kendall "Third Known Locality for the Booklouse Speleketor flocki Gurney Found in Big Gypsum Valley, Colorado," Southwestern Entomologist 45(1), 297-299, (31 March 2020).
Published: 31 March 2020
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