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1 December 2013 Corrected Identification of a Cold-Foraging Ant, Nylanderia sp., in Saltillo, Mexico
Sergio R. Sánchez-Peña, Joe A. MacGown
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Sanchez-Peña (2013) reported an ant species foraging at remarkably low temperature (5°C) in Saltillo, Mexico. The ant was reported to be the known cryophilic formicine ant, Prenolepis imparis Say. However, further revision of these worker ants by Sergio R. Sánchez-Peña and Joe A. MacGown indicated that the ants were a species of the closely related and recently redefined genus Nylanderia (Kallal and LaPolla 2012, MacGown 2013). LaPolla et al. (2010) reviewed the species of the Prenolepis group of ants that includes Nylanderia; Kallal and LaPolla (2012) transferred most Nearctic Paratrechina species to Nylanderia and resurrected and redefined this last genus. Foraging activity at low temperature has rarely been reported for Nylanderia. Thus, the corrected observation indicated that this species of Nylanderia is capable of foraging at low temperatures (5°C), matching the temperature threshold for foraging reported several times for P. imparis (see references in Sanchez-Peña 2013). Further identification of this Nylanderia species is ongoing.

Sergio R. Sánchez-Peña and Joe A. MacGown "Corrected Identification of a Cold-Foraging Ant, Nylanderia sp., in Saltillo, Mexico," Southwestern Entomologist 38(4), 667-682, (1 December 2013).
Published: 1 December 2013
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