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23 February 2022 Evidence of Sexual Dichromatism in the Striped Mojarra (Eugerres plumieri, Gerreidae)
Martin C. Arostegui
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Gerreid fishes are largely thought to not exhibit sexual dimorphism or dichromatism. I describe differences in coloration that may distinguish sexes of Eugerres plumieri (Striped Mojarra) based on observations of an aggregation of smaller, more darkly colored males courting a single, larger, less boldly colored female during spawning, This record highlights the potential for sex-specific external appearances to be more widespread within the family than previously recognized.

Martin C. Arostegui "Evidence of Sexual Dichromatism in the Striped Mojarra (Eugerres plumieri, Gerreidae)," Southeastern Naturalist 21(1), N19-N23, (23 February 2022).
Published: 23 February 2022
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