Individuals with significant intakes of plutonium (Pu) are typically treated with chelating agents, such as the trisodium salt form of calcium diethylenetriaminepentaacetate (CaNa3-DTPA, referred to hereafter as Ca-DTPA). Currently, there is no recommended approach for simultaneously modeling plutonium biokinetics during and after chelation therapy. In this study, an improved modeling system for plutonium decorporation was developed. The system comprises three individual model structures describing, separately, the distinct biokinetic behaviors of systemic plutonium, intravenously injected Ca-DTPA and in vivo-formed Pu-DTPA chelate. The system was linked to ICRP Publication 100, “Human Alimentary Tract Model for Radiological Protection” and NCRP Report 156, Development of a Biokinetic Model for Radionuclide-Contaminated Wounds and Procedures for Their Assessment, Dosimetry and Treatment.” Urine bioassay and chelation treatment data from an occupationally-exposed individual were used for model development. Chelation was assumed to occur in the blood, soft tissues, liver and skeleton. The coordinated network for radiation dosimetry approach to decorporation modeling was applied using a chelation constant describing the secondorder, time-dependent kinetics of the in vivo chelation reaction. When using the proposed system of models for plutonium decorporation, a significant improvement of the goodness-of-fit to the urinary excretion data was observed and more accurate predictions of postmortem plutonium retention in the skeleton, liver and wound site were achieved. © 2019 by Radiation Research Society