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26 December 2013 What are the Intracellular Targets and Intratissue Target Cells for Radiation Effects?
Nobuyuki Hamada
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Exactly a century after Röntgen's discovery of X rays, I entered a university to major in radiological sciences. At that time, I felt that, despite extensive use and indispensable roles of ionizing radiation in medicine and industry, many fascinating questions have yet to be answered concerning its biological mechanisms of action, and thus I decided to get into the field of radiation research. Fifteen years have passed since I started radiobiological studies in 1998, during which time various basic tenets I initially learned in my late teens and early twenties have been challenged by recent observations. Of these, this brief overview particularly focuses on the following five different albeit non mutually exclusive questions: (i) “Is nuclear DNA the only intracellular target for radiation effects?”; (ii) “What is the significance of delayed cell death in clonogenic survival?”; (iii) “Does an irradiated cell become a cancer cell?”; (iv) “Are cataracts tissue reactions?”; and (v) “Why is high-LET radiation biologically effective?”.

Nobuyuki Hamada "What are the Intracellular Targets and Intratissue Target Cells for Radiation Effects?," Radiation Research 181(1), 9-20, (26 December 2013).
Received: 7 August 2013; Accepted: 1 October 2013; Published: 26 December 2013
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