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6 July 2021 Gobio battalgilae Naseka, Erk'akan & Küçük, 2006 is a junior synonym of Gobio microlepidotus Battalgil, 1942 (Actinopterygii: Gobionidae)
Erdoğan Çiçek, Soheil Eagderi, Sevil Sungur
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Five Gobio species viz. G. battalgilae, G. gymnostethus, G. hettitorum, G. insuyanus and G. microlepidotus inhabit the Konya endorheic basin. Some studies have suggested the synonymy of G. battalgilae and G. microlepidotus based on molecular characters. Therefore, this study aimed to test the hypothesis of synonymy of G. battalgilae and G. microlepidotus. Based on our results, the morphometric and meristic characters of G. battalgilae largely overlap with those of G. microlepidotus, and we find no evidence to support the distinctiveness of the two species. Therefore, G. battalgilae Naseka, Erk'akan & Küçük, 2006 is treated as a junior synonym of G. microlepidotus Battalgil, 1942.

©2021 by the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University
Erdoğan Çiçek, Soheil Eagderi, and Sevil Sungur "Gobio battalgilae Naseka, Erk'akan & Küçük, 2006 is a junior synonym of Gobio microlepidotus Battalgil, 1942 (Actinopterygii: Gobionidae)," Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 167(1), 183-189, (6 July 2021).
Received: 11 December 2020; Accepted: 30 May 2021; Published: 6 July 2021
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