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1 October 2015 Gondwanan Nautiloid Cephalopods from the Ordovician of Myanmar
SHUJI NIKO, Masatoshi Sone
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Two species of Darriwilian (late Middle Ordovician) nautiloid cephalopods are described from the Wunbye Formation and its equivalent strata in the Shan Plateau of Myanmar (Sibumasu Block). They are the orthocerid Sibumasuoceras langkawiense (Kobayashi) and the discosorid Tasmanoceras sp. First, Sibumasuoceras is proposed for a new genus of the cayutoceratin pseudorthoceratids. Sibumasuoceras langkawiense [originally Ormoceras langkawiense, the type species of the genus] was previously assigned either to the Actinocerida or the Discosorida. However, the present investigations reveal that it possesses thin connecting rings and differentiated endosiphuncular deposits and lacks a detailed endosiphuncular canal system, all suggestive of a relationship to the Orthocerida. Sibumasuoceras is known to occur so far from Malaysia and Myanmar of the Sibumasu Block, which was part of northern Gondwana during the early Palaeozoic. Second, the rare genus Tasmanoceras, which was previously known only in Tasmania, is confirmed in Southeast Asia for the first time; this implies an Ordovician marine biotic linkage between Sibumasu and Tasmania over northern Gondwana.

© by the Palaeontological Society of Japan
SHUJI NIKO and Masatoshi Sone "Gondwanan Nautiloid Cephalopods from the Ordovician of Myanmar," Paleontological Research 19(4), 288-293, (1 October 2015).
Received: 26 September 2014; Accepted: 1 March 2015; Published: 1 October 2015
Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician)
northern Gondwana
Sibumasu Block
Sibumasuoceras gen. nov.
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