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1 April 2006 Life History Characteristics of a Small Cardinalfish, Ostorhinchus rubrimacula (Percoidei: Apogonidae), from Koro, Fiji
Ken Longenecker, Ross Langston
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We describe aspects of the life history of the small cardinalfish Ostorhinchus rubrimacula from a single, large collection taken at Koro, Fiji. We determined size at maturity and batch fecundity, examined otolith microstructure to construct a vonBertalanffy growth curve, described a length-weight relationship, and performed a dietary analysis. Ostorhinchus rubrimacula is a gonochore that matures at 35 mm standard length (SL). Batch fecundity is related to body size by the equation: eggs spawned = 0.0013(SL)3.8685. Assuming each otolith ring corresponds to 1 day in age, the oldest individual in our collection lived 274 days. Growth is described by the equation: SL = 40.84[l − e−0.014(age in days − 22.45)]. Total body mass (mg) = 4.806 · 10−6(SL)3.5163. Ostorhinchus rubrimacula feeds primarily on harpacticoid copepods, but isopods (mostly gnathidean) and polychaetes were also important dietary components.

Ken Longenecker and Ross Langston "Life History Characteristics of a Small Cardinalfish, Ostorhinchus rubrimacula (Percoidei: Apogonidae), from Koro, Fiji," Pacific Science 60(2), 225-233, (1 April 2006).
Accepted: 1 June 2005; Published: 1 April 2006
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