Two new species of Passiflora L. (Passifloraceae) endemic to eastern Mexico are described and illustrated and placed in subgenus Decaloba (DC.) Rchb., supersection Decaloba in a clade distinguished by no laminar nectaries. Passiflora dictamo DC. is a synonym of P. biflora Lam., and the rare diminutive species previously assigned to P. dictamo in Killip's monograph is described as P. lauana J. M. MacDougal. A second species, P. complanata J. M. MacDougal, is described and placed in the P. sexflora Juss. species group, where it is notable for its clusters of large flowers to 4 cm diam., flattened stems, and unusual 1/2 phyllotaxy. From Mexico we now recognize 75 native species of passionflowers.
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18 October 2013
Two New Species of Passiflora supersect. Decaloba (Passifloraceae) from Eastern Mexico
John M. MacDougal
IUCN Red List
Passiflora subg. Decaloba