Roosts used by Little Brown Myotis (Myotis lucifugus) are not well documented among coastal habitats. Using radio telemetry, we obtained empirical evidence of roosting activity for Little Brown Myotis on the north coast of British Columbia. One non-reproductive adult female and 2 adult male Little Brown Myotis were found to use 4 unique roosting locations in the Prince Rupert area. Three of 4 confirmed roost sites were located in anthropogenic structures, including an industrial warehouse and two 2-story houses. The 4th roost was located in a cedar hedge on a residential property. Roosts were located within 890 to 1140 m of capture sites, which were sited in suitable bat foraging habitat. One male bat re-used the same daytime roost for the duration of the study period, whereas a 2nd male selected 2 different roost locations during the study. Despite the potential limitation of the small sample size of this telemetry study, our findings contribute to the understanding of roosts used by Little Brown Myotis on the north coast of British Columbia, and provide a basis for future directed studies and conservation efforts.
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1 December 2018
First Documentation of Roost Use By Little Brown Myotis (Myotis lucifugus) On the North Coast of British Columbia
Megan Willie

Northwestern Naturalist
Vol. 99 • No. 3
Winter 2018
Vol. 99 • No. 3
Winter 2018
anthropogenic structures
British Columbia
Little Brown Myotis
Myotis lucifugus
Prince Rupert
roost characteristics
roost use