Surf Scoter (Melanitta perspicillata), a sea duck that winters commonly along the coast of the Pacific Northwest states, was observed exhibiting unusual foraging behavior in the swash zone of a beach on the Point Reyes Peninsula, California, in mid-January of 2015. This note reviews the literature involving scoter foraging behavior, discusses the likely prey items targeted, and the potential risks posed by such behavior.
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1 December 2017
Unusual Foraging Behavior By Surf Scoters (Melanitta perspicillata) In the Swash Zone
Jules Evens,
Terry Nordbye

Northwestern Naturalist
Vol. 98 • No. 3
Winter 2017
Vol. 98 • No. 3
Winter 2017
Emerita analoga
foraging behavior
Lontra canadensis
Melanitta perspicillata
Pacific Mole Crab
Point Reyes Peninsula