The Long-toed Salamander, Western Toad, Boreal Chorus Frog, Columbia Spotted Frog, and Wood Frog are known to occur in British Columbia north of 57°N, a remote region that has received only sparse attention with regard to amphibian surveys. It is unclear whether range limits and gaps in the ranges of species reflect the actual absence of a particular species, or are due to an absence of data. To assess this state of affairs, published and unpublished data from several sources, including my own surveys and incidental observations submitted to me by others, were compiled to more fully understand the ranges of amphibians in northern British Columbia.
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22 November 2013
Occurrence of Amphibians in British Columbia North of 57°N
Brian G Slough

Northwestern Naturalist
Vol. 94 • No. 3
Winter 2013
Vol. 94 • No. 3
Winter 2013
Ambystoma macrodactylum
Anaxyrus boreas
Boreal Chorus Frog
Columbia Spotted Frog
Lithobates sylvaticus
Long-toed Salamander