We collated between 22 and 26 observations of family groups of Ancient Murrelets (Synthliboramphus antiquus) between 11 June and 31 July 1949–2009, off northern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, 110–350 km south of the nearest colony and up to 115 km offshore. These occurrences are consistent with a relatively short, southern, nearshore extension of normal clockwise movements of groups in regular at-sea rearing areas in southern Hecate Strait and northern Queen Charlotte Sound. Movements may be facilitated in some years by intensification of the relatively weak, residual currents (approximately 0.10 m/s) or by intensification of the moderately strong northwesterly winds in early summer. Two nests reported at Triangle Island off northern Vancouver Island in 1949 may have involved isolated pairs or a small remnant population, as breeding has not been reported since, or on surveys of colonies in June–July elsewhere on the northern coasts of Vancouver Island, from 1954 to 1988. These surveys, however, were too late for optimal detection of active nests of Ancient Murrelets, but no other signs of breeding were found. Surveys of potential habitat are required to confirm the lack of current breeding.
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22 November 2013
Movements of Ancient Murrelet Family Groups to Northern Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Spencer G Sealy

Northwestern Naturalist
Vol. 94 • No. 3
Winter 2013
Vol. 94 • No. 3
Winter 2013
Ancient Murrelet
British Columbia
family groups
post-hatching dispersal
rearing areas