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5 September 2024 Aspects of the Demography of a Relict Population of Southwestern Pond Turtles (Actinemys pallida) in a West Mojave Desert Stream in California
David Muth, Jeffrey E. Lovich, Rodrigo Macip-Rios, Doug Gomez, Kristy Cummings, Shellie Puffer, Charles B. Yackulic
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We studied Actinemys pallida (Southwestern Pond Turtle) in Amargosa Creek, near Palmdale, CA, from 1997 to 2023. The population in the upper creek was the focus of a mark–recapture study from 1997 to 2003 during monitoring required by a road-construction project. An estimated 193 (95% CI = 142–256) turtles were present in 1997 or recruited to the upper creek population between 1997 and 2003. Total abundance and recruitment declined after 2001, coincident with the onset of a multi-decadal megadrought. Turtles in upper Amargosa Creek are presumed to be extirpated because the creek dried up in the ensuing years. As part of a separate research project, we resurveyed the lower creek at Piute Ponds on Edwards Air Force Base from 2019 to 2023. As of 2023, there was a remnant breeding population of at least 22 turtles there. We did not find any marked turtles from the upper creek in the ponds. Only 2 populations of Southwestern Pond Turtles are known to survive in the Mojave Desert, one at Piute Ponds and another in the Mojave River.

David Muth, Jeffrey E. Lovich, Rodrigo Macip-Rios, Doug Gomez, Kristy Cummings, Shellie Puffer, and Charles B. Yackulic "Aspects of the Demography of a Relict Population of Southwestern Pond Turtles (Actinemys pallida) in a West Mojave Desert Stream in California," Northeastern Naturalist 31(sp12), E109-E130, (5 September 2024).
Published: 5 September 2024
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