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10 June 2021 Long-Distance Movement over a Period of Days by a Female Myotis lucifugus in Newfoundland, Canada
Julia S. Sunga, Jessica Humber, Bruce Rodrigues, Liam McGuire, Hugh Broders
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Myotis lucifugus (Little Brown Myotis) is a regionally migrating bat, widely distributed throughout North America. Through long-term monitoring systems deployed in 2 locations in Newfoundland, Canada, we recorded the movement of an adult female of at least 375 km over a period of 4 nights. Although not the longest travel distance recorded for this species, this observation emphasizes the capabilities of Little Brown Myotis for long-distance flights, the potential connectivity among distant maternity groups, and the value of long-term monitoring programs. To fully understand the movement patterns of Little Brown Myotis, advancements in technology and greater research effort are needed.

Julia S. Sunga, Jessica Humber, Bruce Rodrigues, Liam McGuire, and Hugh Broders "Long-Distance Movement over a Period of Days by a Female Myotis lucifugus in Newfoundland, Canada," Northeastern Naturalist 28(2), N24-N26, (10 June 2021).
Published: 10 June 2021
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