The 56 US State Wildlife Action Plans provide strategic guidance and direction for the state, territorial, and federal wildlife and natural resource management agencies in the United States. Funding associated with these plans supports a broad spectrum of state wildlife diversity and nongame programs, state natural heritage programs, and state natural areas programs. The implementation of these plans is being coordinated by the state and territorial fish and wildlife agencies, which have legal management authority for much of the native pollinator diversity in the United States. Forty of the 56 plans published in 2005 included taxa from one or more pollinator groups, including representatives of the insect orders Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera, and Diptera (Insecta), as well as nectar-feeding bats and hummingbirds. We document specific examples of pollinator conservation projects that have been conducted by state fish and wildlife agencies between 2005 and 2015 in order to achieve conservation objectives identified in the State Wildlife Action Plans. Comprehensive revisions of these plans, completed in 2015 and now under review by the US Fish and Wildlife Service for final approval, will include significant increases in coverage of pollinator taxa. Based on our surveys of state wildlife planners in May and June 2015, we document increases in the number of states that are including moths, nectar-feeding bats, bumble bees, and other native bees in their revised plans. The increased coverage of pollinator taxa in these plans will generate additional opportunities for pollinator conservation for the state agencies and their partners