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1 July 2014 Contributions Toward a Bryoflora of Nevada: Bryophytes New for the Silver State. Part III
John C. Brinda, Lloyd R. Stark, James R. Shevock, John R. Spence
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Forty-two mosses and three liverworts are reported as new for Nevada. The genera Amblyodon, Campyliadelphus, Isopterygiopsis, Mesoptychia, Myurella, Plagiobryoides, Plagiobryum, Platydictya, Pseudocampylium, and Preissia are new for the state of Nevada. Splachnobryum obtusum and Pseudoleskeella rupestris are now confirmed for Nevada based on recently collected material. Grimmia texicana is excluded from the Nevada checklist based on a herbarium label locality error. The bryoflora of Nevada with 355 taxa is comprised of two hornworts, 49 liverworts, and 304 mosses.

California Botanical Society
John C. Brinda, Lloyd R. Stark, James R. Shevock, and John R. Spence "Contributions Toward a Bryoflora of Nevada: Bryophytes New for the Silver State. Part III," Madroño 61(3), 253-258, (1 July 2014).
Published: 1 July 2014
bryophyte inventory
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