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1 April 2014 A New Species of Triteleia (Themidaceae) from the Southern Sierra Nevada
Ed Kentner, Kim Steiner
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Triteleia piutensis E. Kentner & K. Steiner is described as a new species from the Piute Mountains of the southern Sierra Nevada in Kern County, California where it is known from only two small populations. Both populations are located in openings in pinyon-juniper woodland on volcanically derived soils. It is distinguished from other Triteleia species that have stamens attached at two different levels by its erect, yellow, campanulate flowers with recurved lobes, its short ovary stalk, and a geographic range restricted to the extreme southern Sierra Nevada Mountains. A revised key to Triteleia species with stamens attached alternately at two levels is provided.

California Botanical Society
Ed Kentner and Kim Steiner "A New Species of Triteleia (Themidaceae) from the Southern Sierra Nevada," Madroño 61(2), 227-230, (1 April 2014).
Published: 1 April 2014
Piute Mountains
Sierra Nevada
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