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1 October 2009 The Type of Carex scirpoidea VAR. Gigas (Cyperaceae)
Kathryn Mauz
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The combination Carex scirpoidea Michx. var. gigas Holm was published in 1904, without reference to a collector or specimen, citing only the type locality: Mt. Eddy, Siskiyou County, California. The first reference to a specimen as the type was in 1922 by Mackenzie, who cited a collection made by Cyrus Pringle in 1881, from Siskiyou Co., California. What constitutes the type of this combination has been questioned, however, and as late as 1999 was called unknown. A specimen has been found that bears every indication of being the holotype studied by Holm, collected on Mt. Eddy by E. B. Copeland in 1903.

Kathryn Mauz "The Type of Carex scirpoidea VAR. Gigas (Cyperaceae)," Madroño 56(4), 279-282, (1 October 2009).
Published: 1 October 2009
Carex scirpoidea var. gigas
Herman Theodor Holm
Siskiyou Co
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