The writing of revised treatments for selected California Malvaceae for the upcoming second edition of the Jepson Manual and the Flora of North America series (volume 6) has made several nomenclatural changes and explanations necessary. New combinations are made here for taxa in Sidalcea, including Sidalcea asprella subsp. nana, Sidalcea calycosa subsp. rhizomata, Sidalcea celata, and Sidalcea sparsifolia. Several taxa previously included within Sidalcea malviflora have been removed from that species and re-interpreted, resulting in the resurrection and acceptance of the names Sidalcea asprella Greene and Sidalcea elegans Greene. Comments are presented here on the status of Hibiscus lasiocarpos and Lavatera vs. Malva in the California flora. At least one native species has been added to the flora, namely, Iliamna rivularis, though it may no longer occur in the state. Four species of Malvaceae have become naturalized or have been found as waifs in recent years and are added to the flora, namely, Anoda pentaschista, Lagunaria patersonia, Lavatera olbia, and Lavatera trimestris.
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14 April 2009
Notes on California Malvaceae Including Nomenclatural Changes and Additions to the Flora
Steven R. Hill
Vol. 56 • No. 2
April 2009
Vol. 56 • No. 2
April 2009