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21 February 2018 Higher visibility and increased access for Lindbergia through BioOne
Nils Cronberg
Author Affiliations +

Lindbergia became an exclusively net-based open access journal in 2011. This has worked well and the journal has continued to serve the bryological and lichenological communities as a significant communication channel for scientific research.

Thanks to our authors, subject editors, reviewers and not the least the professional services of the Oikos Editorial Office we keep a high standard in the published material. Net visibility and credibility is important. To increase the exposure of the journal we have for example introduced a twitter account @Lindbergia that informs about new published contributions.

However, the digital standard for scientific publication has developed rapidly and in order to keep up with this changing environment, the owners of Lindbergia — the Nordic Bryological Society (NBS) and the Dutch Bryological and Lichenological Society (DBLS) — have decided to associate Lindbergia with the publishing house BioOne, starting 2018. BioOne is a non-profit publisher specialized in biology, with a strong reputation.

In practice, this means that the editorial routines will stay the same with respect to the manuscript reviewing process. Thanks to the economic support from the NBS and DBLS, Lindbergia will continue to be open access and continue to be free of charge for the authors who publish in Lindbergia. After finished editorial processing, the articles will be handed over to BioOne for publishing. The association of Lindbergia with BioOne will mean several improvements for Lindbergia and its authors and readers.

— Lindbergia gets a higher net exposure through all the channels that BioOne brings access to (libraries, various databases and indexes).

— Articles in Lindbergia will receive doi-number, i.e. each article will get a unique digital object identifier, which is increasingly important for digital access and database indexing of articles.

— Besides the pdf-format, which hitherto has been the prevalent distribution format for Lindbergia, articles will also be converted to xml-format for the convenience of our readers.

— Various services for authors and readers will be available, such as the possibility to download article reference information to citation managers and the option to sign up for e-alerts when an issue is published.

— Lindbergia receives the quality stamp that follows from being a part of the BioOne portfolio. This is increasingly important in a world full of fake and predator journals with inferior or missing peer review processes.

Just as before, old articles will be available through JSTOR.

We welcome old and new authors and readers to Lindbergia — A journal opposing the tracheophytocentric conception of the world!

© 2018 The Author. This is an Open Access article This work is licensed under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY) < >. The license permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Nils Cronberg "Higher visibility and increased access for Lindbergia through BioOne," Lindbergia 41(1), (21 February 2018).
Published: 21 February 2018
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