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1 April 2007 Intestinal Acanthocephaladiosis in Olrog's Gulls (Larus atlanticus): Profilicollis chasmagnathi as Possible Cause of Death
Luciano F. La Sala, Sergio R. Martorelli
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In 2003 and 2005, mortality events were observed among hatch-year Olrog's gulls (Larus atlanticus) in a breeding colony in the Bahía Blanca estuary, Argentina. Freshly dead chicks were collected for parasitologic and parasite-associated pathologic studies. Profilicollis chasmagnathi was found at various intensities in all of the birds examined (n=28). On gross and histopathologic examinations, severe lesions ranging from intestinal obstruction to complete perforation were present in small and large intestines of the birds. Larval forms of P. chasmagnathi were being found in prey items of L. atlanticus in the study area, which suggests that diet may play a central role in the epidemiology of disease and mortality events in this species.

La Sala and Martorelli: Intestinal Acanthocephaladiosis in Olrog's Gulls (Larus atlanticus): Profilicollis chasmagnathi as Possible Cause of Death
Luciano F. La Sala and Sergio R. Martorelli "Intestinal Acanthocephaladiosis in Olrog's Gulls (Larus atlanticus): Profilicollis chasmagnathi as Possible Cause of Death," Journal of Wildlife Diseases 43(2), 269-273, (1 April 2007).
Received: 26 January 2006; Published: 1 April 2007
Larus atlanticus
Olrog's Gull
Profilicollis chasmagnathi
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