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1 January 2002 Morganelliasis Pneumonia in a Captive Jaguar
J.-H. Choi, H.-S. Yoo, J.-Y. Park, Y.-K. Kim, E. Kim, D.-Y. Kim
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Suppurative bronchopneumonia was discovered in a 6-yr-old male jaguar (Panthera onca onca) that died after a 1 wk history of anorexia, depression, and respiratory difficulty. Morganella morganiiwas isolated as a pure culture from the lung, spleen, and heart blood. This is the first record of M. morganiiinduced pneumonia in a jaguar.

Choi, Yoo, Park, Kim, Kim, and Kim: Morganelliasis Pneumonia in a Captive Jaguar
J.-H. Choi, H.-S. Yoo, J.-Y. Park, Y.-K. Kim, E. Kim, and D.-Y. Kim "Morganelliasis Pneumonia in a Captive Jaguar," Journal of Wildlife Diseases 38(1), 199-201, (1 January 2002).
Received: 19 July 2000; Published: 1 January 2002
Amazon jaguar
case history
Morganella morganii
Panthera onca onca
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