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1 July 1990 Osteoporosis and Cranial Asymmetry in a Mountain Sheep (Ovis canadensis)
Vernon C. Bleich, Julia G. Stahmann, R. Terry Bowyer, John E. Blake
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The skull of a mountain sheep (Ovis canadensis cremnobates) exhibiting osteoporosis was recovered from San Diego County, California. This specimen also exhibited lateral asymmetry of the cranium and rostrum, malocclusion of molars, and mandibular asymmetry. Investigators are cautioned about potentially confusing lesions associated with chronic frontal sinusitis with lesions of osteoporosis in mountain sheep. To our knowledge this is the first report of osteoporosis in this species.

Bleich, Stahmann, Bowyer, and Blake: Osteoporosis and Cranial Asymmetry in a Mountain Sheep (Ovis canadensis)
Vernon C. Bleich, Julia G. Stahmann, R. Terry Bowyer, and John E. Blake "Osteoporosis and Cranial Asymmetry in a Mountain Sheep (Ovis canadensis)," Journal of Wildlife Diseases 26(3), 372-376, (1 July 1990).
Received: 19 October 1988; Published: 1 July 1990
case report
mountain sheep
Ovis canadensis
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