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1 July 2010 Fossil Eggs and Eggshell from the Lowermost Two Medicine Formation of Western Montana, Sevenmile Hill Locality
Frankie D. Jackson, David J. Varricchio
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In the last 30 years, the Two Medicine Formation of western Montana has provided a wealth of information about dinosaur reproductive biology. Here, we describe a fossil egg-bearing stratum that occurs approximately 105 m above the base of the formation. This site in the Sevenmile Hill outcrops south of Choteau, Montana, lies immediately above a volcanic tuff and bentonite, dated as 80.0 Ma. Spherulitic eggshells from a quarry at this locality are similar to Spheruprismatoolithus candensus Bray, 1999, which were assigned to the oofamily Prismatoolithidae. However, we refer this eggshell to the Spheroolithidae Zhao, 1979, as Spheroolithus choteauensis, oosp. nov. The quarry also produced Triprismatoolithus stephensi, oogen. et oosp. nov. These symmetrical 30 mm × 75 mm prismatic eggs exhibit three structural layers of calcite and round tubercles on the shell surface. Four additional ootaxa occurred at the First Find Microsite (OTM 99-19): Prismatoolithus hirschi, oosp. nov.; Tubercuoolithus tetonensis, oogen. et oosp. nov.; Continuoolithus canadensis Zelenitsky et al., 1996; and Krokolithes Hirsch, 1985. Spheroolithus choteauensis, T. stephensi, P. hirschi, T. tetonensis, and Krokolithes are unique to the lowermost Two Medicine Formation, whereas C. canadensis may occur elsewhere in the middle and upper strata of the Two Medicine and Oldman formations of Montana and Alberta, respectively. Although poorly represented by dinosaur osteological remains, the lower Two Medicine Formation locality yields egg types that suggest a significant difference in faunal composition compared to the middle and upper portions of the formation.

© 2010 by the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
Frankie D. Jackson and David J. Varricchio "Fossil Eggs and Eggshell from the Lowermost Two Medicine Formation of Western Montana, Sevenmile Hill Locality," Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 30(4), 1142-1156, (1 July 2010).
Received: 7 March 2009; Accepted: 1 December 2009; Published: 1 July 2010
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