New data on the last representatives of the Spanish Miocene Moschidae (Mammalia, Ruminantia) are presented and discussed. A new species of Micromeryx, Micromeryx soriae, is described on the basis of fossil material from the locality of La Roma-2 (upper Vallesian; MN 10, Teruel province, Spain, previously assigned to Micromeryx sp.), Batallones-1, and Batallones-10 (upper Vallesian; local zone J, MN 10, Madrid province, Spain). The new species is characterized by possessing relatively hypsodont lower molars of advanced morphology and a unique type of Palaeomeryx-fold. M. soriae gives insight to the last representatives of the genus, which achieved an overall lower molar morphology that mimics to certain degree that of Hispanomeryx. several characters of the upper molars of the Miocene moschids Micromeryx and Hispanomeryx are described that are useful for characterizing both genera. These characters are used to solve the taxonomic problems of PM-659, an upper molar from Puente Minero (MN 11, Teruel province, Spain) that represents one of the last survivors of the Moschidae in the Iberian Peninsula. The systematic utility of the upper molars of Hispanomeryx and Micromeryx is demonstrated, and the use of size as the only way to distinguish between the two genera is refuted. Finally, the study of the morphological characters of PM-659 clearly supports its generic change from Micromeryx sp. to Hispanomeryx sp., thus recording the presence of Hispanomeryx in the Iberian Peninsula as late as the lower Turolian.
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1 June 2009
New Data on the Moschidae (Mammalia, Ruminantia) from the Upper Miocene of Spain (MN 10- MN 11)
Israel M. Sánchez,
M. Soledad Domingo,
Jorge Morales
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
Vol. 29 • No. 2
June 2009
Vol. 29 • No. 2
June 2009