Musca domestica salivary gland hypertrophy virus (MdSGHV) affects house flies by enlarging salivary glands, impeding ovary development in females, and mating behavior in both males and females. It is not known if this virus impacts the quantity of saliva produced by house flies. This study aimed to establish baseline saliva quantities in healthy M. domestica across sexes and ages and examine how MdSGHV infection influences saliva output in 5-day-old males. Results reveal that healthy female Musca domestica produce more saliva on average than males and that saliva production among both sexes decreases with age. A comparison of infected, PBS-injected, and healthy flies shows significantly higher saliva quantities in infected individuals, suggesting MdSGHV enhances saliva production to improve transmission. These findings provide insights into MdSGHV transmission dynamics, which may provide for a better understanding of how other vector-borne diseases like Zika and Dengue virus interact in the infected salivary glands of the host vector.