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5 December 2023 The Effects of Different Pressure Types on the Development of Muscle Dysmorphia in High School Students
Alisha Mullick, Frederick G. Grieve
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The goal of the current study was to see if there was a correlation between the development of Muscle Dysmorphia (MD) and three different pressure types (peer, family, and media) in high school aged students. Participants (n=59) were recruited via the Advanced Placement Psychology and Psychology classes at a local high school. It was hypothesized that there would be a correlation between all three pressure types and the development of MD in the students.

To test the hypothesis, the participants were given a survey. The first part of the survey was demographic information, the second part was the Muscle Dysmorphia Questionnaire (Grieve et al. 2014) that was used to evaluate MD symptomatology, and the third part was the Sociocultural Attitudes Toward Appearance Questionnaire (Thompson 2011) that was used to evaluate the pressure types. The results partially supported the overall hypothesis that symptoms of muscle dysmorphia would be related to family, peer, and media pressures. A correlation between MD and peer pressure was found as was a correlation between MD and media pressure. However, no correlation was found for family pressure. In addition, when looked at by gender, there was no correlation between MD and any of the pressure types in males while the female results modeled the overall results.

Alisha Mullick and Frederick G. Grieve "The Effects of Different Pressure Types on the Development of Muscle Dysmorphia in High School Students," Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science 84(1), 1-7, (5 December 2023).
Published: 5 December 2023
Behavioral and Social Sciences
Body Dissatisfaction
Body Image
Clinical and Developmental Psychology
Muscle Dysmorphia
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