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22 February 2021
Abstracts from the Annual Meeting of the Kentucky Academy of Science 6–7 November 2020 Virtual Meeting
- Beneficial insects found in late-planted Bt sweet corn, native perennial and pasture border rows: preliminary results
- Bird abundance and diversity across a twenty-year chronosequence of reforested urban sites
- Effect of phytogenic and symbiotic feed additives on performance of pastured broiler chickens
- Determination of berry weight and yield of three primocane-fruiting blackberry Selections grown organically in Kentucky
- Soil responses as affected by hemp cropping systems in western Kentucky
- The effects of hydrogen on hemp growth in western Kentucky
- Overstory and understory woody plant characteristics of reforested sites in Lexington, Kentucky
- Primary reasons for not attending farmers' markets: Do market features and consumer characteristics matter?
- Effects of shade cloth treatments on late summer growth of Salanova lettuce varieties in raised garden beds
- Yield and quality of lettuce varieties grown in various soil amendments
- Geospatial modeling change of corn and soybean production in Shelby County, Kentucky from 2011 and 2019
- Use and development of ultrasonography in aquaculture and fisheries
- Floating raceway nursery proof of concept for production of phase I fingerling largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides)
- Common aquatic herbicide shows promise in fish health: A case study
- Evaluating preferences for fish disease treatment options and success rates at the KSU Fish Disease Diagnostic Laboratory
- Developing a clinical database for fish disease professionals
- Bioaccumulation of Cu, Zn, Cr, and Mo in plants grown in soil amended with municipal sewage sludge
- Effects of fertilization on the production of lotus tuber in containers
- Impact of soil amendments on pumpkin yield
- Growth performance of lotus plants started with different types of propagates in containers
- Do small and mid-sized farmers adopt new agricultural technology?
- An in-silico, stochastic, Eden-type growth model of cell competition in a two-dimensional tumor
- Are telomeres required? Genetically engineering a eukaryote with circular chromosomes
- Cabin1 as a conserved regulator of granule cell population control in the cerebellum
- Creating a circular chromosome in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Do we eat more when sleeping less? A case study in the fruit fly
- Identification of Trm7 residues required for Trm732 and Trm734 binding for tRNA methyltransferase in yeast
- Iroquois genes may play an important role in pharyngeal development
- Development of an earthworm model for the study of action potentials in an undergraduate animal physiology laboratory
- Probing the structural dynamic properties of potassium channel accessory protein KCNE3 using EPR spectroscopy and molecular dynamics modeling
- Quantification of neurite degeneration through use of an optimized and automated method
- Transgenic bamboo as a non-human model to understand the molecular basis of the non-neuronal acetylcholine expression
- Spectroscopic and chromatographic studies on some regioisomeric aromatase inhibitors
- A computational study of estrone and lumiestrone
- Basketball and drugs: Estimation of discharged drugs during a high school and a college basketball game in Kentucky
- Chemical fingerprinting of commercially available saffron: High-performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC)
- Determination of antibiotic compounds in swine waste using SPE-LC-MS/MS
- Lifting the grime of crime: Collection of ignitable liquid residues using household absorbent materials
- Synthesis of a novel hydroxamate-Ru(II) complex and its promising photoluminescence properties
- The occurrence of estrogen and other steroids in anaerobically digested waste
- The shape of arson: Correlating collection efficiency of ignitable liquid residues with physical and chemical features of absorbent materials
- Synthesis and characterization of novel metalloporphyrin catalysts with preliminary oxidation studies
- Synthetic and catalytic studies on metalloporphyrinoid complexes for biomimetic oxidations
- Facile ligation of the fac-99mTc(CO)3 core using a triamine-tridentate chelator
- Phenylethyloxacalixarene synthesis via TBS-[rotected phenylethynylcatechols
- Tin metal organic framework as a recyclable catalyst for furfural acetalization
- Oxidation kinetic studies and photochemical production of high-valent manganese(IV)-oxo porphyrins and chromium(V)-oxo salens
- Synthesis and catalytic properties of zinc-histidine framework mimicking carbonic anhydrase
- Synthesis and characterization of fac-Re(CO)3 complexes as models for fac-99mTC(CO)3 radiopharmaceutical compounds
- Polydimethylsiloxane as a substrate to facilitate the use photocatalysts in the breakdown of organic water pollutants
- Developing tools and strategies for using of disordered published data in chemistry
- Developing low-cost autonomous UAVs for generation of topographic maps
- Big data improves cybersecurity
- Possible roles of MoTeR relics in genome rearrangements in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae
- Ethical Hacking for Cyber Security
- Developing a Level 1 data processing script for the lunar IceCube mission
- Random number generators
- Genome improvement of Magnaporthe oryzae strains Guy11 and U233
- On the design of a database for the Linguistic Atlas Project
- The effect of TIMP-1 levels, MMP-1 levels, and healing times on the wound surface area
- Failure of fungal telomeres to maintain sequence integrity at chromosome ends in Magnaporthe
- Brain Schooler: A web-based graphical interface for EEG visualization and analysis
- TeloReport: Extraction and classification of telomeric raw reads and identification of potential de novo telomeres
- Cloud VR therapy for PTSD treatment
- Home range and habitat use of breeding Brown Thrashers
- Alleviating human-elephant conflict through deterrent fences and environmental monitoring in southern Kenya
- Effects of available forage on habitat selection of fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) in presence of predation hazard
- Phenotypic plasticity of geographically central and peripheral populations of Jefferson salamanders (Ambystoma jeffersonianum) in response to simulated climate change
- Vibrational communication in the Atlantic mudskipper, Periopthalmus barbarus
- A distributional modeling study of rare and uncommon stoneflies (Insecta: Plecoptera) in Maryland
- Social interactions of intraspecies pairs of Australian crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) and interspecies pairs of Louisiana red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii): Invasive species alert
- Insect emergence from the aquatic habitats of a restored and un-restored headwater valley in eastern Kentucky
- Effects of hemlock woolly adelgid on mesic understory tree community composition in the old growth forest of Lilley Cornett Woods
- Abiotic factors, not mycorrhizal associations, are strong predictors of growth and abundance of the invasive grass Microstegium vimineum
- A continuing survey of small mammal species in the Boone Cliffs State Nature Preserve (Burlington, KY)
- Effects of urban riparian reforestation on soil chemistry and streamwater quality
- Traditional transect vs. drone imaging methods for determining population size in milkweed
- Scaling relationships between body size and energy flow in apex predators
- Tree community assessment from 1997 and 2019 of an old-growth forest on the south-facing slope at the Boone Cliffs Nature Preserve, Boone County, KY
- The collecting curve: Vascular flora of the Central Kentucky Wildlife Management Area
- Determining factors of why some trees in temperate zones buttress their roots
- Advanced multi-mission operating system instrument toolkit for ground data systems development and spacecraft operations
- Finite element analysis of lunar IceCube spacecraft mechanical systems
- Literature review of advances in biomimicry across a variety of fields
- Mind-controlled prosthetic arm
- Simulation of high-speed metal forming processes: Free-forming vs. die-forming
- An evaluation of open burning violations in Kentucky in 2019: Examining contributing factors
- Contaminant remediation potential of Lespedeza cuneata
- Studying urbanization in Louisville and Lexington metropolitan cities in Kentucky
- A study of soil erosion loss of an eastern Kentucky watershed in 2019 utilizing the universal soil loss equation
- Determination of honeysuckle leaf blight effects on the growth of Amur honeysuckle in the field
- Assessing the hydrological impact of land cover change on the Cumberland River at Williamsburg, Kentucky
- Advancement in cumulative sampling methods for fecal contamination profiling and success monitoring in streams
- Herbaceous understory health in Reforest the Bluegrass sites of Lexington, Kentucky
- Will an emerging monsoonal weather pattern affect agricultural practices in Kentucky?
- Soil quality changes following application of the top five fertilizers in Kentucky on tomatoes and marigolds
- The photocatalytic single electron oxidation of ene-ynamides with 2,6-lutidine N-oxide
- A pilot project to support brownfield redevelopment in northern Kentucky
- Satellite and radar analysis of the 21 June 2019 derecho
- An assessment of land use and land cover changes over time in Chitwan, Nepal
- Interpreting data from recent volcanic activity to understand the volcanic hazard and societal risk in Hawaii
- Assessment of land use and climate variability impact on hydrological regimes in Bell watershed using SWAT model
- Spatial disparities in coronavirus incidence and mortality in the United States: An ecological analysis
- A spatial and temporal analysis of sediment yields for a temperate forest/agriculturally-dominated watershed
- The impact of COVID-19 on trail use in a rural Appalachian trail town
- Evaluating neonatal reflexes in mice exposed to benzo[a]pyrene during early brain development
- The health impacts of the Pinnacles during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Contribution of the primary motor cortex in grip force variability during a grasping task
- Assessing adult motor function in three genotypes of mice exposed to benzo[a]Pyrene during early brain development
- Effects of additives on the lipid oxidation of fish mince from Asian Carp
- Effects of water content on textural characteristics of fish sausages prepared from deboned Silver Carp meat
- Social distancing on the chessboard
- Analyzing the parameter space of a wound-healing model with three-dimensional geometry
- Graphical assertion of the validity of an analytical Hodgkin-Huxley Model solution
- A variation of cops and robbers on a graph – Part 1
- A variation of cops and robbers on a graph – Part 2
- Characterization of mercury resistant bacteria from the Kentucky River
- The prevalence of antibiotic resistance in Staphylococcus aureus versus antibiotic-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus within the Berea College Community
- An exploration into the antimicrobial resistance of E. coli toward essential oils
- Characterization of Microbotryum lychnidisdioicae secreted effectors that manipulate its host plant, Silene latifolia
- Vaccine(s) for COVID-19: A preliminary review of promising candidate vaccines and current clinical trials
- A multi-wavelength study of the Quasar PKS2135-147
- Improving measurements of the bifurcation diagram of a chaotic pendulum
- Progress and development of a mechanical damped driven duffing oscillator
- Limb darkening made “easy” with smartphones and solar projection
- Lunar eclipse around the world: A collection of zenith sky brightness curves
- Transiting exoplanet and variable star photometry with the NKU 14-inch telescope
- Eclipsing binaries with stellar pulsation from TESS
- Is there a variable corona in the narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxy RXJ117?
- Long term monitoring of the narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxy MKN 110 using swift
- Waking up again: The current flaring of the narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxy Mkn 335
- Development of verbal scent detecting algorithm using machine learning to analyze GCC signals
- Mie scattering to detect respiratory microdroplets
- Probing structural and dynamic properties of membrane protein using EPR spectroscopy
- Quantum tic-tac-toe lite
- Identification of the enzyme responsible for the 2′-O methylation of tRNA residue Nm39 in plants
- Effect of temperature on heart rate for Phaenicia sericata and Drosophila melanogaster with altered expression of the TRPA1 receptors
- The effects of levetiracetam on glutamatergic synaptic transmission: Crayfish and Drosophila NMJs
- Temperature dependence on the passive effects of K+ on membrane potential of skeletal muscle: An educational module
- D2 receptor antagonism affects cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization in Japanese quail
- Effects of Riluzole on neurons
- Determination of efficacy of GCEE in TBI-induced neuronal cell culture
- Conducting authentic curriculum undergraduate research experience (ACUREs) in teaching laboratories
- COVID-19 effects on NKU students
- Critical thinking in the microbiology lab
- Enhancing cancer literacy in Kentucky high school students through cancer education
- From test tubes to teleconferencing: Converting a microbiology lab to online delivery
- Implementation of an online summer bridge program designed to accelerate mathematics preparation for STEM degrees
- Increasing student engagement in introductory online physics
- Understanding STEM attrition at the USAF Academy: Identifying factors associated with selecting and switching majors
- Use of concept sketching in introductory geology classrooms
- Using culturally-focused storytelling to empower Appalachian Kentucky youth to understand and address cancer disparities in their communities
- Systematically reviewing the efficacy of mindfulness-based interventions for enhanced athletic performance
- Can animals affect social skills among children with autism spectrum disorder? A meta-analytic review
- Do you think I'm skinny? A meta-analytical look at the relationship between social media and eating disorders
- Observing if anxiety negatively influences academic performance
- Ethnic identity and well being
- Mindfulness and stress in the healthcare setting: A meta-analysis
- Assessing student readiness in working with older adults
- Literature genre effects on memory and influence
- The decision of taking peaceful or violent action
- Identity, belief, perceptions, and judgments of hostile environments and academic freedom on a liberal arts college campus
- The impact of childhood behavior problems on criminality
- A meta-analysis of the impact of mindfulness-based interventions on PTSD in veteran populations
- Cognitive load and time perception: A systematic review
- Neuroscience outreach in eastern Kentucky, 2019-2020
- Job satisfaction when working from home
- How parenting sensitivity is related to childhood trauma in parents and children
- Assessing autism spectrum disorder during a pandemic: Percent agreement of ADOS-2 across mediums
- Parenting behaviors and children's emotion regulation
- Difficulty engaging in goal-directed behavior is associated with alcohol-related problems
- Sidewalk joint sizes and the fall hazard they could pose for pedestrians with rollator walkers
- Aging and pareidolia: Perceiving emotion in inanimate objects
- How leadership behaviors affect teacher turnover in P-12 schools
- Tracking and different modality secondary task performance
- Voices' influence on effort ratings and recall performance
- Face to-face versus online interaction
- Aging and the visual perception of texture-defined shape
- Relationship between parents' reflective functioning skill and attachment strategies
- Metabolic responses of adult Bluntnose Minnows (Pimephales notatus) to a range of thermal conditions
- An ecological hotspot for fishes; The Wild River section of the Red River gorge, Kentucky
- A low-cost smart trail device for detecting differential trail use by humans and large mammals
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"Abstracts from the Annual Meeting of the Kentucky Academy of Science 6–7 November 2020 Virtual Meeting," Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science, 81(1), 36-110, (22 February 2021)