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2 July 2024 Contribution to the Caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Oklahoma: Hydroptilids from Two Regions of the State
Elizabeth A. Bergey, Kambridge L. Stephens, David E. Ruiter
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Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) are aptly known as microcaddisflies and have characteristic life histories with case construction and most growth during the final larval instar. Knowledge of the caddisfly biodiversity in a region requires multiple survey sites across a large area, whereas assessing the conservation status of species, especially those with limited distributions, requires multiple survey sites within smaller areas. We used both strategies by (1) surveying for hydroptilids in a western Oklahoma site, an area without previous surveys, and (2) conducting a targeted survey in a five-county area for two Oklahoma-rare species, Hydroptila protera Ross 1938 and Mayatrichia ponta Ross 1944. We found six new state records [Hydroptila arctia Ross 1938, H. argosa Ross 1938, H. modica Mosely 1937, H. pecos Ross 1941, Neotrichia osmena Ross 1944, and Ochrotrichia capitana (Ross 1944)], many of which were on the eastern edge of the species' ranges. The two target species had multiple new occurrences, including extending into nearby watersheds; this information will aid in their conservation asessment. The information gained on these two surveys indicates the need for further regional surveys at both the fine and coarse scales.

Elizabeth A. Bergey, Kambridge L. Stephens, and David E. Ruiter "Contribution to the Caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Oklahoma: Hydroptilids from Two Regions of the State," Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 97(2), 39-53, (2 July 2024).
Received: 10 January 2024; Accepted: 4 April 2024; Published: 2 July 2024
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