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7 October 2023 A New Species of Crawfordia (Strepsiptera: Stylopidae) from Texas, with an Annotated Checklist of the Species of Crawfordia and their Hosts
Jerry L. Cook, John L. Neff
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Crawfordia hadrovena n. sp. is described from specimens hosted by bee species Protandrena aethiops and P. rugosa from Central Texas. While these host species overlap in their geographical distribution in this region, their flight times and adult presence in the environment are isolated temporally. The description of males of C. hadrovena represents only the second males known in the genus of now nine species. Females have been described for all species but the description of species only using females has not used consistent characters. Thus, taxonomic characters are discussed with the shape of the cephalothorax, nature of the cephalothoracic basal band, nature of the brood canal, and shape of mandibles being important characters for species identification. The lateral portions of the brood canal that were previously thought to be sutures between head and thorax of the cephalothorax or cord-like extensions of the brood canal are now shown to be the lateral sides of the brood canal. A checklist of all species of Crawfordia and their hosts is provided.

Jerry L. Cook and John L. Neff "A New Species of Crawfordia (Strepsiptera: Stylopidae) from Texas, with an Annotated Checklist of the Species of Crawfordia and their Hosts," Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 95(4), 45-65, (7 October 2023).
Received: 26 August 2022; Accepted: 6 November 2022; Published: 7 October 2023
host association
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