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24 October 2022 Estimating Age and Growth of the Edible Nassarid Gastropod, Buccinanops cochlidium (Dillwyn, 1817) Using Sclerochronology Records
Andrés Averbuj, Gregory S. Herbert, Verena Bökenhans, Gregorio Bigatti, Pablo E. Penchaszadeh
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New marine mollusc fishery resources are constantly being incorporated to the international market. The marine gastropod Buccinanops cochlidium (Dillwyn, 1817) is a potential fisheries resource with excellent nutritional qualities. Recently, the first legislation that regulates marine gastropod fisheries based on size limits and reproductive seasonality was established in Argentina, although some biological parameters that are useful to its implementation are still needed. Fisheries managed with size limits require accurate estimates of age and growth that can be estimated through stable isotope sclerochronology. The age and growth of B. cochlidium at Playa Villarino, in north Patagonian gulf San José, Argentina was studied between 2005 and 2006. The δ18O profiles of B. cochlidium shells analyzed in this study showed a maximum age of 5 y. Opercular rings and shell growth breaks, which record age in some other gastropods, gave higher counts than the number of years shown in isotope profiles. Thus, morphological proxies are unable to correctly asses age and growth in B. cochlidium. These results are useful to support and complement the first fisheries regulation of marine gastropods recently implemented in Argentina, aimed to conserve this vulnerable and valuable resource.

Andrés Averbuj, Gregory S. Herbert, Verena Bökenhans, Gregorio Bigatti, and Pablo E. Penchaszadeh "Estimating Age and Growth of the Edible Nassarid Gastropod, Buccinanops cochlidium (Dillwyn, 1817) Using Sclerochronology Records," Journal of Shellfish Research 41(2), 201-207, (24 October 2022).
Published: 24 October 2022
opercular rings
stable isotope analysis
SW Atlantic
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