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1 December 2012 Bibliography of Dreissena polymorpha (Zebra Mussels) and Dreissena rostriformis Bugensis (QUAGGA Mussels): 1989 to 2011
Don W. Schloesser, Christine Schmuckal
Author Affiliations +

Dreissenid mussels invaded and colonized waters of the Laurentian Great Lakes during the late 1980s. Their colonization and resulting impact have been characterized as one of the most important ecological changes in freshwater systems in North America. The need for information on dreissenid mussels has grown during the past 2 decades, which has prompted the compilation of this bibliography. Two previous bibliographies of dreissenid mussels indicate average publication rates were 6 publications/year between 1771 and 1964 (1,180 in 194 y) and 30 publications/year between 1964 and 1993 (885 in 30 y). In the current bibliography, the average rate of publication doubled during the past 23 y (1989 to 2011) to 66 publications/year based on a total of 1,502 publications. These rates may be biased by increased numbers of researchers and journals over time but, at a minimum, these rates indicate continued interest and concern by humans about the impact of dreissenid mussels on water availability and the expanding range of dreissenids throughout the world. The current bibliography has a 94% efficiency rate for subject and 100% efficiency for title search criteria when compared with references in published studies of dreissenid mussels in 2011. In addition to publications, we included 206 student theses and 225 chapters in 26 books including 6 books devoted solely to dreissenid mussels. A vast majority of student theses were about dreissenid mussels in North America, especially in the Laurentian Great Lakes. The 6 books devoted to dreissenid mussels contained a variety of chapters that described biology, impact, control, and ecology of dreissenid mussels in both Europe (published in 1992 and 2010) and North America (1993, 1994, 1997, and 2000). In addition, there is a 7th book devoted solely to dreissenid mussels that is near completion.


In the late 1980s, zebra mussels, Dreissena polymorpha, and quagga mussels, Dreissena rostriformis bugensis (Fig. 1), were transported from the European continent and became established in the Laurentian Great Lakes of North America (Hebert et al. 1989). Zebra mussels quickly became abundant enough to become a social menace because of their visibility and ability to attach to and foul structures, which caused water withdrawal problems for drinking-water facilities, electric power plants, marinas, and industries (Nalepa & Schloesser 1993). In addition, mussels colonized the surfaces of all solid structures in the water, which created nuisances for boaters, fishermen, beach visitors, and water navigators (Nalepa & Schloesser 1993). During the early 1990s, shortly after zebra mussels became generally known to the public, quagga mussels were recognized to have similar nuisance abilities as zebra mussels but greater ecological impact than zebra mussels. These 2 mussels, together, have been called one of the most important ecological threats to freshwaters in North America (Pollick in press).

The need for scientific information about the biology, impact, control, and ecology of zebra mussels in North America was evident during the early 1990s. In response to this need, Schloesser et al. (1994) compiled a bibliography of Dreissena polymorpha (885 between 1964 to 1993) in waters of Europe and Russia. Compilation of this bibliography was difficult and, although valuable, had limited use because many publications were not in English and had been based on studies of dreissenid mussels in Europe and Russia (Schloesser et al. 1994). However, this 1994 bibliography was much more accessible by Englishspeaking researchers and managers than earlier bibliographies published in Russian by Limanova in 1964 (1,180 between 1771 to 1964) and translated into English in 1968, and another bibliography by Limanova in 1978 (unknown number), which is believed to be available only in Russian (Schloesser et al. 1994). All 3 of these bibliographies undoubtedly contained large amounts of information that could be valuable to researchers and managers who want to understand and control dreissenid mussels.

As predicted 20 y ago, the need to obtain information about zebra mussels in North America has increased (Schloesser et al. 1994). This need to understand and control zebra mussels increased dramatically during the early 2000s, when a genetically similar dreissenid mussel, the quagga mussel (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis), impacted the ecology of the Laurentian Great Lakes dramatically and spread to the western half of the United States (Benson in press). In addition, the need for regional impact studies became evident because dreissenid mussels in North America exhibited different behavior than those in Europe and Russia.

The current bibliography includes publications between 1989 and 2011 and was compiled to provide researchers, managers, and water users with a bibliography to help understand and manage dreissenid mussels, especially in North America. The temporal overlap (1989 to 1993) between the bibliography of Schloesser et al. (1994) (1964 to 1993) and the current bibliography (1989 to 2011) was included primarily because the first publication to include zebra mussels found in North America was published in 1989, but was not included in the bibliography of European and Russian literature compiled by Scholoesser et al. (1994) (Hebert et al. 1989). Although the current bibliography emphasizes studies published in English about dreissenid mussels in North America, a few non-English-language publications may be included because it is not always evident in which language the main body of text is printed based on electronic searches.

Figure 1.

Typical shell morphology of zebra mussels, Dreissena polymorpha (left), and quagga mussels, Dreissena rostriformis bugensis (right), from Pavlova (in press) and the U.S. Geological Survey.



This bibliography is a compilation of several literature searches in pertinent computerized databases of companies that index thousands of scholarly journals, books, reports, proceedings, and open-access journals that meet strict criteria (Testa 2011). Scientific and common names of both species and dreissenid mussels, in various configurations, were searched in title fields to ensure the resulting references would contain substantial information about dreissenid mussels. The focused search of names in titles was done to reduce inclusion of many publications that only mention dreissenid mussels in an introduction and/or discussion. For example, the focused search allowed elimination of studies that only mentioned dreissenid mussels as responsible agents of observed changes (e.g., reduction of phytoplankton) and often contained no data about dreissenid mussels. Searches for listings spanned a period of 23 y, 1989 to 2011, except for theses, which included the years 1950 through 2011. Student theses were obtained from title searches of a commercial theses database and from the database of a worldwide library cooperative.

Results of searches were reviewed for content and duplication. References that contained obvious errors were deleted (e.g., duplications attributed to abbreviated journal titles vs. non-abbreviated journal titles, full author names vs. abbreviated author names). Databases can detect duplication of exact records but not inaccuracies in basic information such as variations of spelling and abbreviations. In addition, manual searches of books and personal records (e.g., D. W. S.) were included, and a call for missed publications was extended to researchers knowledgeable about dreissenid literature (e.g., book contributors to Nalepa and Schloesser (in press)). Studies that contained substantial information on dreissenid mussels were included as a result of this method, but they accounted for about 5% of compiled listings.

The current bibliography contains few references from online-only publications. At the time of this compilation, not many online-only journals meet the high standards of companies that produce electronic databases (e.g., Testa 2011). Although we recognize electronic publication as a growing source of scientific information, we did not attempt to include exhaustively electronic-only journals because indexing companies add past journal articles slowly to databases. For example, searches of 1 database based on total and processed/included dates indicated that in 1 y, about 4% more publications, published in earlier years, were added to the database. This 4% represents older publications that had been added to the database. When databases include more older publications, and a greater number of online-only journals establish prominence in online databases, we believe a bibliography needs to be compiled with inclusion of digital-object identifier numbers. Only time will tell whether traditional bibliographies like the current one will become less useful and inefficient compared with electronic searches.

Efficiency of this bibliography was evaluated by comparing the occurrence of references in published studies and their occurrence as listings in the bibliography. Seven publications with dreissenid mussels in the title were used to check the efficiency of the current bibliography. Individual publications occurred in 7 individual journals published in 2011. Publications were read and references used to cite studies of dreissenid mussels were cross-checked against the current bibliography to determine the number of references found in publications and this bibliography. Only studies published between 1989 and 2011 were included in reference searches of the 7 publications.


The current bibliography contains 1,932 listings. Of these listings, 1,502 were published studies comparable with previous bibliographies by Schloesser et al. (1994) and Limanova (1964). In addition, our search included 206 student theses and 225 chapters in 26 books. Of the 26 books, 6 were devoted solely to zebra mussels. In addition, but not included in the current bibliography, there is a 7th book in press (Nalepa and Schloesser) that includes 44 chapters on zebra and quagga mussels. Previous bibliographies did not, for the most part, include theses and books that are included in the current bibliography.

Based on the current bibliography, we believe the rates of publication about dreissenid mussels increased after their discovery and spread in North America. Although an extensive effort to overcome language and publication methods of earlier listings is needed to verify this theory, bibliographies indicate that the annual rate of publication between 1771 and 1964 was about 6 publications/year (1,180 in 194 y), between 1964 and 1993 was about 32 publications/y (885 in 30 y), and between 1989 and 2011 was about 66 publications/y (1,502 in 23 y) (Limanova 1964, Schloesser et al. 1994). These rates may be biased by increased numbers of researchers and journals during the past 250 y. However, at a minimum, these rates indicate continued interest and concern by humans about water availability and the expanding range of dreissenids throughout the world.

Efficiency of the current bibliography to include references of dreissenid mussels in 7 published studies in 2011 was relatively high (Table 1). Overall, 162 of 172 (94%) references in the 7 publications were included in the bibliography. Only 10 of 172 (3%) references about dreissenid mussels were not found in the current bibliography. Of the 10 references not found in this bibliography, 7 were not about dreissenid mussels, but contained information about mussels the authors used to relate to the subject of the study (e.g., plankton impacted by dreissenid mussels). The 3 remaining references not found in the bibliography were expected to be in the bibliography because they contained reference to mussels (not specifically dreissenid mussels) in the titles. However, these articles did not contain the search words used to compile the bibliography. Instead, the articles used the words “filter feeding mussels,” which did refer to dreissenid mussels in the articles. As a result of this careful evaluation, we believe the current bibliography has a 94% efficiency to detect references to the subject of dreissenid mussels and 100% efficiency to detect key words contained in title searches.

In addition to published studies, our search included 206 student theses and 225 chapters in 26 books. Of the 206 theses (1950 to 2011), 195 were published between 1989 and 2011 (99%), and a large majority (74%) of them were from schools located adjacent to a shore of the Laurentian Great Lakes, whereas only 21% were from institutions not located adjacent to a shore of the Great Lakes. Only 5% of theses were from institutions in Europe. Of the 26 books, 6 books were devoted solely to zebra mussels and they contained 173 chapters; 1 book in 1992 (20 chapters), 1 book in 1993 (47 chapters), 2 books in 1994 (16 chapters and 7 chapter, respectively), and 1 book in 1997 (42 chapters) and 2010 (41 chapters). The first 2 books (Neumann & Jenner 1992, Nalepa & Schloesser 1993) contained a total of 67 chapters devoted to zebra mussels and were published shortly after zebra mussels were discovered in the Great Lakes in 1988 (Hebert et al. 1989). The only nonedited book, written by Claudi and Mackie (1994), was also published shortly after zebra mussels were found in the Great Lakes and is the only book devoted to the control of mussels in water facilities. Three other books devoted to zebra mussels contain 99 chapters devoted primarily to the ecology of mussels in the Great Lakes (Staroborgatov 1994, D'itri 1997) and Europe (van der Velde et al. 2010). In addition, there were 46 chapters in a total of 15 other books not devoted to zebra mussels that included data about mussels. No books published before 1992 were devoted specifically to dreissenid mussels. These results indicate that the majority of theses, books, and book chapters about zebra mussels were written after mussels colonized the Laurentian Great Lakes.


Numbers of references (1993 to 2011) based on the subject of dreissenid mussels present and not present in 7 scientific journals published in 2011.


The abundance of publications about dreissenid mussels in the Great Lakes undoubtedly occurred because of the impact these mussels had on water users and ecology in the Great Lakes (Nalepa & Schloesser 1993). Although there are a few large studies of dreissenid mussels (e.g., Morton 1969) in the 203-y published history before they invaded the Great Lakes, it appears their occurrence in North America during the late 20th century; their impact on human, plant, and animal communities of the Great Lakes; their spread throughout the United States; and the ease at which information can now be exchanged have resulted in popular as well as scientific interest in these exotic mussels.

The current bibliography does not contain information about dreissenid mussels found in traditional gray literature (abstracts, conference proceedings, reports, memoranda, and so forth). For example, there were several thousand abstracts written for international conferences devoted to dreissenid mussels during the first decade of their occurrence in North America. As electronic databases continue to grow, it is likely that traditional gray literature will be included in searched databases and the number of listings from past studies will increase, especially non-English-language listings from Europe and Russia. In addition, old and future studies, of which there are and are likely to be many, will find their way into databases for easy access and use. Currently, the need for information about dreissenid mussels appears to be increasing and paralleling the human need for freshwater as dreissenid mussels continue to expand their range and impact water users in North America and elsewhere throughout the world.


We thank numerous researchers who contributed information in response to our call for references to help compile this bibliography. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. government. This article is contribution number 1717 of the U.S. Geological Survey Great Lakes Science Center, 1451 Green Road, Ann Arbor, MI.



A. Benson in press. A chronological history of Dreissena species in North America, 1986–2010. In: T. A. Nalepa & D. W. Schloesser , editors. Dreissenid mussels: biology, impacts, and response (control). Vol. II. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Google Scholar


R. Claudi & G. L. Mackie . 1994. Practical Manual for Zebra Mussel Monitoring and Control. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers. 227 pp. Google Scholar


M. D'Itri Frank (ed.). 1997. Zebra Mussels and Aquatic Nuisance Species. Proceedings of the Sixth International Zebra Mussel and Other Aquatic Nuisance Species Conference, Dearborn, Michigan 1996. Chelsea, MI: Ann Arbor Press. 638 pp. Google Scholar


P. D. N. Hebert , B. W. Muncaster & G. L. Mackie . 1989. Ecological and genetic-studies on Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas): a new mollusk in the Great-Lakes. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 46:1587–1591. Google Scholar


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Mezui, J. 1993. Effect of endod, Phytolacca dodecandra, on the attachment of the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha: cellular structure of the byssal gland and the tensile strength of the byssal threads. MS thesis, University of Toledo.

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Miller, R. P. 2006. Analysis of factors affecting zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) abundance in Gull Lake, Michigan. MA thesis, Western Michigan University.

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Misamore, M. J. 1998. Early fertilization events in the freshwater zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha. PhD diss., Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College.

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Moeller, M. L. 1993. Effects of some non-oxidizing molluscicides on oxygen consumption rates in Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas) and Corhicula fluminea (Mueller). MS thesis, University of Texas.

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Reed, D. P. 2002. Spawning and larval development in the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in Tennessee and Ohio river water. MS thesis, Murray State University.

Regoli, L. 1999. Organotins in zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) and sediments from the Saint-Lawrence River. MS thesis, McGill University.

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Roe, S. L. 1996. Temporal variation of hydrophobic organochlorine contaminants in the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha in relation to physiological and limnological factors. MS thesis, University of Windsor.

Roper, J. M. 1994. Sediment toxicity and bioaccumulation of toxicants in the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, at Times Beach, Buffalo, New York. MS thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

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Salim, A. Y. 2007. Alternative sampling method to determine factors affecting distribution and ecological impact of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in lower Green Bay, WI. MS thesis, University of Wisconsin.

Scheele, C. 2007. The effects of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) on inland lake ecosystems. PhD diss., Michigan State University.

Seabury, L. M. 2011. Mapping of invasive dreissenid mussels in a turbid Lake Michigan estuary using a combined geophysical and optical approach. MS thesis, University of Wisconsin.

Selegean, J. P. 1993. The use of Dreissena polymorpha (the zebra mussel) as a biofilter of municipal wastewater with special reference to the bioaccumulation of heavy metals. MS thesis, Wayne State University.

Selegean, J. P. W. 1998. Retention and depuration of E. coli by Dreissena polymorpha and its application in watershed management. PhD diss., Wayne State University.

Sellers, T. W. 1997. Habitat effects on density, biomass, and secondary production of Corhicula fluminea and Dreissena polymorpha in the Ohio River. MS thesis, University of Louisville.

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Neumann, D. & H. A. Jenner (eds.). 1992. The Zebra Mussel Dreissena polymorpha: Ecology, Biological Monitoring and First Applications in the Water Quality Management. Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer Verlag. 262 pp., 20 chapters.

Neumann, D. & H. A. Jenner. Studies on the Ecology and Ecotoxicology of the Zebra Mussel Biogeography, Physiological Ecology, Population Ecology and Water Quality Management. 1–4.

Kinzelbach, R. The Main Features of the Phylogeny and Dispersal of the Zebra Mussel Dreissena polymorpha. 5–18.

Sprung, M. Observations on Shell Growth and Mortality of Dreissena polymorpha in Lakes 19–28.

Borcherding, J., D. E. Ruyter & E. D. Van Stevenicnck. Abundance and Growth of Dreissena polymorpha Larvae in the Water Column of the River Rhine During Downstream Transportation. 29–44.

Cleven, E.-J. & P. Frenzel. Populations Dynamics and Production of Dreissena in the River Seerhein, the Outlet of Lake Constance. 45–49.

Jantz, B. & D. Neumann. Shell Growth and Population Dynamics of Dreissena polymorpha in the River Rhine. 49–66.

bij De Vaate, A., M. Greijdanus-Klass & H. Smit. Densities and Biomass of Zebra Mussels in the Dutch Part of the Lower Rhine. 67–78.

Smit, H., V. A. N. Dudok & E. Heel. Methodical Aspects of Allometric Biomass Determination of Dreissena polymorpha Aggregations. 79–86.

Borcherding, J. Morphometric Changes in Relation to the Annual Reproductive Cycle in Dreissena polymorpha: A Prerequisite for Biomonitoring Studies with Zebra Mussels. 87–100.

Noordhuis, R., H. H. Reeders, & A. bij De Vaate. Filtrtion Rate and Pseudofaeces Production in Zebra Mussels and Their Application in Water Quality Management. 101–114.

Jenner, H. A. Valve Movement Behaviour of the Mussel Dreissena polymorpha and the Clam Unio pictorum for Use in an Early Warning System. 115–126.

Borcherding, J. Another Early Warning System for the Detection of Toxic Discharges in the Aquatic Environment Based on Valve Movements of the Freshwater Mussel Dreissena polymorpha. 127–146.

Mouabad, A. & J. C. Pihan. The Pumping Behaviour Response of Dreissena polymorpha to Pollutants: A Method for Toxicity Screening. 147–154.

Janssen, H. H., H. Moller, C. Von Land wust & T. Heeger. Pollution Effect Monitoring at the Histological Level Using Dreissena polymorpha. 155–170.

Hansen, P.- D. Phagocytosis in Mytilus edulis: A System for Understanding the Sublethal Effects of Anthropogenic Pollutants and the Use of AOX as an Integrating Parameter for the Study of Equilibria Between Chlorinated Organics in Dreissena polymorpha Following Long-Term Exposures. 171–184.

Reicke, H. Biological Effect Monitoring in the River Elbe Using the Zebra Mussel Dreissena polymorpha. 185–196.

Busch, D., T. Lucker, M. Schirmer & W. Wosniok. The Application of the Bivalve Dreissena polymorpha for Biomonitoring Routine of Heavy Metals in Rivers. 197–212.

Van Der Velde, G., R. Van Der Gaag & H. A. Jenner. Cadmium, Zinc and Copper in the Body, Byssus and Shell of the Brackish Water Mussel, Mytilopsis leucophaeta and the Zebra Mussel, Dreissena polymorpha in the Noordzeekanaal of The Netherlands. 213–226.

Mersch, J., A. Jean-Jean, H. Spor & J.- C. Pihan. The Freshwater Mussel Dreissena polymorpha as a Bioindicator for Trace Metals Organochlorines and Radionuclides. 227–444.

Giese, F. & A. Kruger. Biomonitoring of Organochlorines in Surface Waters of Berlin and the Lake Stechlin. 245–259.

Nalepa, T. F. & D. W. Schloesser (eds.). 1993. Zebra Mussels: Biology, Impacts, and Control. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers (CRC Press). 810 pp., 47 chapters.

Stanczykowska, A & K. Lewandowski. Thirty Years of Studies of Dreissena polymorpha Ecology in Mazurian Lakes of Northeastern Poland. 3–37.

Sprung, M. The Other Life: An Account of Present Knowledge of the Larval Phase of Dreissena polymorpha. 39–53.

Smit, H, A. Bij De Vaate, H. H. Reeders, H. Van Nes Egbert & R. Noordhuis. Colonization, Ecology, and Positive Aspects of Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) in the Netherlands. 55–77.

Jaap, D. Growth and Population Structure of the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in Dutch Lakes Differing in Trophic State. 79–94. Neumann, D., J. Borcherding & B. Jantz. Growth and Seasonal Reproduction of Dreissena polymorpha in the River Rhine and Adjacent Waters. 95–109.

Garton, D. W. & W. R. Haag. Seasonal Reproductive Cycles and Settlement Patterns of Dreissena polymorpha in Western Lake Erie. 111–128.

Fraleigh, P. C., P. L. Klerks, G. Gubanich, G. Matisoff & R. C. Stevenson. 1993. Abundance and Settling of Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) Veligers in Western and Central Lake Erie. 129–142.

Riessen, H. P., T. A. Ferro & R. A. Kamman. Distribution of Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) Veligers in Eastern Lake Erie During the First Year of Colonization. 143–152.

Mackie, G. L. Biology of the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) and Observations of Mussel Colonization on Unionid Bivalves in Lake St. Clair of the Great Lakes. 153–165.

Kilgour, B. W & G. L. Mackie. Colonization of Different Construction Materials by the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha). 167–173.

Yankovich, T. L. & G. D. Haffner. 1993. Habitat Selectivity by the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) on Artificial Substrates in the Detroit River. 175–181.

Morton, B. The Anatomy of Dreissena polymorpha and the Evolution and Success of the Heteromyarian Form in the Dreissenoidea. 185–215.

Smirnova, N. F., G. Biochino & G. A. Vinogradov. Some Aspects of the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in the Former European USSR with Morphological Comparisons to Lake Erie. 217–226.

Boileau, M. G. & P. D. N. Hebert. Genetics of the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in Populations from the Great Lakes Region and Europe. 227–238.

Eckroat, L. E., E. C. Masteller, J. C. Shaffer & L. M. Steele. The Byssus of the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha): Morphology, Byssal Thread Formation, and Detachment. 239–263.

Ackerman, J. D., C. R. Either, D. G. Allen & J. K. Spelt. The Biomechanics of Byssal Adhesion in Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha): Tests with a Rotating Disk. 265–282.

Vinogradov, G. A., N. F. Smirnova, V. A. Sokolov & A. A. Bruznitsky. Influence of Chemical Composition of the Water on the Mollusk Dreissena polymorpha. 283–293.

Quigley, M. A., W. S. Gardner & W. M. Gordon. Metabolism of the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in Lake St. Clair of the Great Lakes. 295–306.

Ram, J. L. & S. J. Nichols. Chemical Regulation of Spawning in the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha). 307–314.

Nichols, S. J. Spawning of Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) and Rearing of Veligers Under Laboratory Conditions. 315–329.

LePage, W. L. The Impact of Dreissena polymorpha on Waterworks Operations at Monroe, Michigan: A Case History. 333–358.

Kovalak, W. P, G. D. Longton & R. D. Smithee. Infestation of Power Plant Water Systems by the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha Pallas). 359–380.

Leach, J. H. Impacts of the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) on Water Quality and Fish Spawning Reefs in Western Lake Erie. 381–397.

Dermott, R., J. Mitchell, I. Murray & E. Fear. Biomass and Production of Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) in Shallow Waters of Northeastern Lake Erie. 399–413.

Griffiths, R. W. Effects of Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) on the Benthic Fauna of Lake St. Clair. 415–437.

Reeders, H. H., A. Bij De Vaate & R. Noordhuis. Potential of the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) for Water Quality Management. 439–51.

French, J. R. P. III & M. T. Bur. Predation of the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) by Freshwater Drum in Western Lake Erie. 453–464.

Fisher, S. W., D. C. Gossiaux, K. A. Bruner & P. F. Landrum. Investigations of the Toxicokinetics of Hydrophobic Contaminants in the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha). 465–490.

Kraak, M. H. S., L. Daphna, M. Toussanint, H. Schoon, W. H. M. Peeters & C. Davids. Toxicity of Heavy Metals to the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha). 491–502.

de Kock, W. C. & C. T. Bowmer. Bioaccumulation, Biological Effects, and Food Chain Transfer of Contaminants in the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha). 503–533.

Jenner, H. A. & J. P. M. Janssen-Mommen. Monitoring and Control of Dreissena polymorpha and Other Macrofouling Bivalves in the Netherlands. 537–554.

Barton, L. K. Control Program for Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) at the Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Lake Erie. 555–562.

Claudi, R. & D. W. Evans. Chemical Addition Strategies for Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) Control in Once-Through Service Water Systems. 563–573.

McMahon, R. F., B. N. Shipman & D. P. Long. Laboratory Efficacies of Nonoxidizing Molluscicides on the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) and the Asian Clam (Corhicula fluminea). 575–598.

Van Benschoten, J. E., J. N. Jensen, D. Lewis & T. J. Brady. Chemical Oxidants for Controlling Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha): A Synthesis of Recent Laboratory and Field Studies. 599–619.

Klerks, P. L., P. C. Fraleigh & R. C. Stevenson. Controlling Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) Veligers with Three Oxidizing Chemicals: Chlorine, Permanganate, and Peroxide + Iron. 621–642.

Lee, H. H., A. Lemma & H. J. Bennett. The Use of Endod (Phytolacca dodecandra) to Control the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha). 643–655.

Kowalewski, J. J., P. H. Patrick & A. E. Christie. Effect of Acoustic Energy on the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha). 657–666.

Iwanyzki, S. & R. W. McCauley. Upper Lethal Temperatures of Adult Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha). 667–673.

Carlton, J. T. Dispersal Mechanisms of the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha). 677–697. Ludyanskiy, M. L. Recent Introductions of Dreissena and Other Forms into North America: The Caspian Sea/Black Sea Connection. 699–704.

Kraft, C. Early Detection of the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha). 705–714.

Strayer, D. L. & L. C. Smith. Distribution of the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in Estuaries and Brackish Waters. 715–727.

Karnaukhov, V. N. & A. V. Karnaukhov. Perspectives on the Ecological Impacts of the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in the Former European USSR and in North America. 729–731.

Nichols, S. J. Maintenance of the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) Under Laboratory Conditions. 733–747.

Davids, C. & M. H. S. Kraak. Trematode Parasites of the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha). 749–759.

Hopkins, G. J. & J. H. Leach. A Photographic Guide to the Identification of Larval Stages of the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha). 761–772.

Starobogatov, J. I. (ed.). 1994. Freshwater Zebra Mussel Dreissena polymorpha (Pall.) (Bivalvia, Dreissenidae): Systematics, Ecology, Practical Meaning. Moscow: Nauka Press. 238 pp., 16 chapters. (In Russian with English summary).

Starobogatov, J. I. Morphology. 7–17.

Starobogatov, J. I. Taxonomy and Paleontology. 18–46.

Starobogatov, J. I. & S. I. Andreeva. Distribution and History. 47–55.

Biochino, G. I. Polymorphism and Geographical Variation. 56–66.

Shkorbatov, G. L., A. F. Karpevich & P. I. Antonov. Ecological Physiology. 67–108.

Lyakhnovich, V. P., A. Y. Karatayev, S. M. Lyakhov, N. I. Andreev, S. I. Andreeva, S. A. Afanasjev, A. K. Dyga, V. P. Zakutskiy, V. P. Zolotareva, A. A. Lvova, M. Y. Nekrasova, V. F. Osadchikx, Y. V. Pligin, A. A. Protasov, & G. M. Tischikov. Environmental Requirements of Zebra Mussel. 109–119.

Mikheev, V. P. Feeding. 120–125.

Mikheev, V. P. Selectivity of Zebra Mussel Feeding. 126–128.

Mikheev, V. P. Composition and Quantity of Dreissena Food in Natural Conditions. 129–131.

Karatayev, A. Y. & L. E. Burlakova. Filtration Rates. 132–137.

Lvova, A. A. & G. E. Makarova. Gametogenesis and Reproductive Cycle. 138–148.

Lvova, A. A, G. E. Makarova, A. Y. Karatayev & M. Y. Kirpichenko. Planktonic Larvae. 149–155.

Lvova, A. A, G. E. Makarova, A. F. Alimov, A. Y. Karatayev, M. P. Miroshnichenko, V. P. Zakutski & M. Y. Nekrasova. Growth and Production. 156–179.

Karatayev, A. Y. Karataev, A. Y., V. P. Lyakhnovieh, S. A. Afanasev, L. E. Burlakova, V. P. Zakutskii, S. M. Lyakhov, M. P. Miroshnichenko, T. G. Moroz, M. Y. Nekrasova, S. P. Nechvalenko, I. A. Skalskaya, T. G. Kharchenko & A. A. Protasov. Role of Zebra Mussel in Biocenosis. 180–195.

Zdun, V. L, V. K. Kiseliene, A. Y. Karatayev & G. E. Makarova. Parasites of Zebra Mussel. 196–205.

Karatayev, A. Y., V. P. Mikheev, S. A. Afanasiev, M. Y. Kirpichenko, A. A. Protasov, L. V. Shevtsova & T. G. Kharchenko. Practical Uses and Control on Human Made Structures. 206–221.

Hill, I. A., F. Heimbach, P. Leeuwangh & P. Matthiesen (eds.). 1994. Freshwater Field Tests for Hazard Assessment of Chemicals. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers. 561 pp.

Borcherding, J. The “Dreissena-Monitor” : Improved Evaluation of Dynamic Limits for the Establishment of Alarm Thresholds During Toxicity Tests and for Continuous Water Control. 477–484.

Claudi, R. & G. L. Mackie. 1994. Practical Manual for Zebra Mussel Monitoring and Control. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers. 227 pp.

Munawar, M., T. Edsall & J. Leach (eds.). 1995. The Lake Huron Ecosystem: Ecology, Fisheries and Management. Ecovision World Monograph Series, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: SPB Academic Publishing. 503 pp.

Foster, N. R. & G. W. Kennedy. Patterns of Egg Deposition by Lake Trout and Lake Whitefish at Tawas Artificial Reef, Lake Huron, 1990–1993. 191–206.

Wilcox, D. A. The Role of Wetlands as Nearshore Habitat in Lake Huron. 223–245.

Prince, H. H. & C. S. Flegel. Breeding Avifauna of Lake Huron. 247–272.

Haas, R. C. History and Status of Fisheries in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. 291–311.

Jude, D. J., J. Janssen & G. Crawford. Ecology, Distribution, and Impact of the Newly Introduced Round Tubenose Gobies on the Biota of the St. Clair & Detroit Rivers. 447–460.

Nierenberg, W. A. (ed.) 1995. Encyclopedia of Environmental Biology. Volume 2. San Diego: Academic Press. 654 pp.

Schloesser, D. W. 1995. Introduced Species, Zebra Mussels in North America. 337–356.

D'itri Frank, M. (ed.). 1997. Zebra Mussels and Aquatic Nuisance Species. Proceedings of the Sixth International Zebra Mussel and Other Aquatic Nuisance Species Conference, Dearborn, Michigan 1996. Chelsea, MI: Ann Arbor Press. 638 pp., 43 chapters. Morton, B. The Aquatic Nuisance Species Problem: A Global Perspective and Review. 1–54.

Wiley, C. J. The Aquatic Nuisance Species: Nature, Transport and Regulation. 55–64.

Reutter, J. Importance of the Nonindigenous Species/Aquatic Nuisance Species Issue. 65–68.

Busiahn, T. R. Ruffe Control: A Case Study of an Aquatic Nuisance Species Control Program. 69–86.

Grigorovich, I. A. & R. V. Babko. Sessile Invertebrates in Beds of Aquatic Maerophytes. 87–98.

Miller, A. C. & B. S. Payne. Density and Size Demography of Newly Established Populations of Dreissena polymorpha in the U.S. Inland Waterways System. 99–116.

Keppner, H. T., D. J. Adrian & T. A. Ferro. Seasonal Variation in Dreissenid Veliger Density in the Niagar, Mississippi, and other Selected Rivers. 117–124.

Toczylowski, S. A. & R. D. Hunter. Do Zebra Mussels Prefer to Settle on Unionids and/or Adult Conspecifics? 125–141.

Setzler-Hamilton, E. M., D. A. Wright & J. A. Magee. Growth and Spawning of Laboratory Reared Zebra Mussels in Lower Mesohaline Salinities. 141–154.

Stice, J. A. Zebra Mussel Colonization in the Ohio River Region and its Effects. 155–160.

Hunter, R. H., S. A. Toczylowski & M. G. Janech. Zebra Mussels in a Small River: Impact on Unionids. 161–186.

Steven, W. E., S. R. Boone, C. A. Siegfried, L. Walrath & S. L. Ashley. Mobilization of Ammonia and Phosphorus by Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) in the Seneca River. 187–207.

Marvin, C. H. & E. T. Howell. Contaminant Burdens in Sediments Colonized by Dreissena Mussels at Two Nearshore Sites in the Lower Great Lakes. 209–224.

Lange, C. L. & S. A. Wittmeyer. The Colonization of Zebra Mussels (Dreissena spp.) Feces and Pseudofeces Production to Taste and Odor Episodes in the Niagara River and Lake Erie. 225–244.

Scheide, J. I. & A. Mikal. Ion Balance Predictors of Physiological Stress in Zebra Mussels: Effects of Molluscicidal Conditions. 245–256.

Rajagopal, S., G. Van der Velde & H. A. Jenner. Response of Zebra Mussels, Dreissena polymorpha, to Elevated Temperatures in the Netherlands. 257–274.

Mead, D. F. & D. J. Adama. An Effective Zebra Mussel Control Program. 275–282.

Reeves, M. E. Techniques for the Protection of the Great Lakes from Infection by Exotic Organisms in Ballast Water. 283–300.

Schleicher, C. The Zebra Mussel Buster. 301–304.

Simkins, L. J. & J. D. Jones. The Impact of Zebra Mussels on Corrosion of Steel Structures. 305–328.

Gross, C. A. Long Term Experience with Non-Fouling Coatings and Other Means to Control Macrofouling. 329–342.

Gu, J.- D., J. S. Maki & R. Mitchell. Microbial Biofilms and Their Role in the Induction and Inhibition of Invertebrate Settlement. 343–358.

Race, T. D. & M. A. Kelly. A Summary of a Three Year Evaluation Effort of Anti-Zebra Mussel Coatings and Materials. 359–388.

Chang, T. J., M. A. Hoover & T. A. Bartrand. Optimization of a Vacuum Device for Zebra Mussel Control. 389–398.

Schoenbach, K. H., R. W. Alden & T. J. Fox. Effect of Pulsed Electricity on Aquatic Nuisance Species. 399–406.

Fears, C. D. & G. L. Mackie. Use of Low Level Electric Current (AC) to Prevent Settlement of Zebra/Quagga Mussels on Concrete and Steel Panels at Nanticoke TGS. 407–416.

Smythe, A. G., C. L. Lange & L. R. Tuttle. Evaluation of an In-line Pulse Power Generator as a Method to Control Zebra Mussels. 417–428.

Shana, Z. A., J. S. Maki, A. E. Zanoni, S. J. Benes, C. P. Mercier & M. W. Lawlor. The Effect of High Voltage Electrostatic Fields on Zebra Mussel. 429–438.

Smythe, A. G., C. L. Lange, T. M. Short, E. A. Dardeau Jr. & M. Brown-Hester. Evaluation of an In-line Magnetic System as a Control for Zebra Mussels. 439–466.

Wright, D. A., J. A. Magee, E. M. Setzler-Hamilton, L. Chalker-Scott & G. L. Morgan. Use of High Energy Monochromatic UV Light to Kill Dreissenid Larvae. 467–476.

Gainer, G. M. & W. E. Garrett Jr. Further Confirmation of the Effects of Semicontinuous Chlorination Treatment on Asiatic Clams (Corhicula fluminea) in a Once-Through Service Water System. 477–488.

Mallen, E., S. Freymark, L. Hale & B. Lippincott. Use of Chlorine Dioxide to Prevent Zebra Mussel Settlement. 489–500.

Giacomo, R. S. & M. W. Wymer. Successful Applications of Zebra Mussel Treatment, Excluding Chlorine. 501–506.

McMahon, R. F. & R. A. Chase. Investigation of the Efficacy of Semicontinuous Application of a Nonoxidizing Molluscicide for Control of Macrofouling by Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) and Asian Clams (Corhicula fluminea). 507–522.

Taylor, G. T. & D. Zheng. Preliminary Report on Use of Marine Natural Products as Repellents for Zebra Mussels, Dreissena polymorpha. 523–532.

Piceirillo, V. J. & E. Dionne. TD 2335: Laboratory and Field Efficacy Studies for Control of Zebra Mussels in Electric Power Plants. 533–540.

Magee, J. A., D. A. Wright & E. M. Setzler-Hamilton. The Use of Penaten to Control Zebra Mussel Attachment. 541–548.

Hietanen, E. Toxicity Testing of Endod, a Natural Plant Extract, as a Prerequisite for Its Safe Use as a Molluscicide. 549–564.

Rendall, W. J. Information/Education Strategy for Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Species Prevention and Control. 565–574.

Suvedi, M. & K. L. Heinze. Evaluation of the Great Lakes Sea Grant Network's Zebra Mussel Outreach Activities for Industrial and Municipal Water Users. 575–598.

Grodowitz, M. J., L. Jeffers, S. Graham, M. Nelson & C. Way. Technology Transfer for Zebra Mussel Management Via a Computer-Based Information System. 599–606.

Drees, L. R. The Western Zebra Mussel Task Force. 607–610.

Barrett-O'Leary, M., B. Henning & A. Martin. Survey as an Education/Outreach Tool. 611–620.

Claudi, R. & J. H. Leach (eds,) 1999. Non-Indigenous Freshwater Organisms in North America: Their Biology and Impact. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Lewis Publishers. 480 pp.

Nalepa, T. F., G. L. Fahnenstiel & T. H. Johengen. Impacts of the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) on Water Quality: A Case Study in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. 255–271.

Claudi, R. & J. H. Leach (eds.). 2000. Nonindigenous Freshwater Organisms: Vectors, Biology, and Impacts. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers. 464 pp.

Mackie, G. L. Ballast Water Introductions of Mollusca. 219–254.

Nalepa, T. F., G. L. Fahnenstiel & T. H. Johengen. Impacts of the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) on Water Quality: A Case Study in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. 255–271.

Mills, E. L., J. R. Chrisman & K. T. Holeck. The Role of Canals in the Spread of Nonindigenous Species in North America. 347–379.

Butterworth, F. M., A. Gunatilaka & M. E. Gonsebatt (eds.). 2001. Biomonitors and Biomarkers as Indicators of Environmental Change, vol. 2. New York: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 508 pp.

Kramer, K. J. M. & E. M. Foekema. The “Musseimonitor” as Biological Early Warning System: The First Decade. 59–87.

Munawar, M. & R. E. Hecky (eds.). 2001. The Great Lakes of the World (GLOW) Food-web, Health & Integrity. Leiden, The Netherlands: Backhuys Publishers. 471 pp.

Munawar, M., R. Dermott, J. Leach, S. Nepszy, D. V. Weseloh, D. Graham, S. Carou, H. Niblock & O. Johannsson. An Overview of the Changing Flora and Fauna of the North American Great Lakes. Part II: Zooplankton, Benthos, Fish, Colonial Waterbirds and Exotic Species. 277–307.

Parker, S. & M. Munawar (eds). 2001. Ecology, Culture and Conservation of a Protected Area: Fathom Five National Marine Park, Canada. Leiden, The Netherlands: Backhuys Publishers. 306 pp.

Munawar, M., I. F. Munawar, R. Dermott, S. F. Munawar, W. Norwood, C. Wenghofer, D. Lynn, O. E. Johannssen, H. Niblock, S. Carou, M. Fitzpatrick, K. Gasenbeck & T. Weisse. Aquatic Ecosystem Health of Fathom Five National Marine Park: A Structural and Functional Assessment. 99–149.

Leppakoski, E., S. Gollash & S. Olenin (eds.). 2002. Invasive Aquatic Species of Europe: Distribution, Impacts, and Management. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 583 pp.

Orlova, M. I. Dreissena (D.) polymorpha: Evolutionary Origin and Biological Peculiarities as Prerequisites of Invasion Success. 127–134.

Minchin, D., F. E. Lucy & M. Sullivan. Zebra Mussel: Impacts and Spread. 135–146.

Karatayev, A. Y., L. E. Burlakova & D. K. Padilla. 2002. Impacts of Zebra Mussels on Aquatic Communities and Their Role as Ecosystem Engineers. 433–446.

Pimentel, D. (ed.). 2002 Biological Invasions: Economic and Environmental Costs of Alien Plant, Animal, and Microbe Species, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. 369 pp.

Pimentel, D., L. Lach, R. Zuniga & D. Morrison. Environmental and Economic Costs Associated with Non-Indigenous Species in the United States. 285–303.

Pimentai, D., S. McNair, J. Janecka, J. Wightman, C. Simmonds, C. O'Connel, E. Wong, L. Russel, J. Zern, T. Aquino & T. Tsomondo. Economic and Environmental Threats of Alien Plant, Animal, and Microbe Invasions. 307–329.

Munawar, M. & I. F. Munawar (eds.). 2003. State of Lake Erie: Past, Present, and Future. Ecovision World Monograph Series, Leiden, The Netherlands: Backhuys Publishers, 550 pp.

Johannsson, O. E., D. M. Graham, D. W. E. Einhouse & E. L. Nills. Historical and Recent Changes in the Lake Erie Zooplankton Community and Their Relationship to Ecosystem Function. 169–196.

Manny, B. & D. W. Schloesser. Changes in the Bottom Fauna of Western Lake Erie. 197–217.

Ryan, P. A., L. D. Witzel, J. Paine, M. Freeman, M. Hardy, S. Scholton, L. Sztramko & R. MacGregor. Recent Trends in Fish Populations in Eastern Lake Erie in Relation to Changing Lake Trophic State and the Food Web. 241–289.

MacIsaac, H. J. Biological Invasions in Lake Erie: Past, Present and Future. 305–322.

Nicholls, K. H, S. J. Standke & G. J. Hopkins. Effects of Dreissenid Mussels on Nitrogen and Phosphorus in North Shore Waters of Lake Erie. 323–336.

Graham, D. M., W. G. Sprules & S. J. Nepszy. Growth and Condition of Juvenile Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) and White Perch (Morone americana) During Zebra Mussel Establishment in Western Lake Erie (1988–1991). 337–349.

Ewins, P. J., N. A. Mahony, D. V. Weseloh & H. Blokpoel. Has the Invasion of Dreissenid Mussels Affected the Colonial Fish-Eating Birds of Lake Erie? 351–366.

Demott, R., M. Munawar, L. Witzel & P. A. Ryan. An Assessment of Food-Web Changes in Eastern Lake Erie: Impact of Dreissena spp. and Phosphorus Management on Rainbow Smelt, Osmerus mordax. 367–385.

Munawar, M. (ed.). 2003. State of Lake Ontario: Past, Present, and Future. Ecovision World Monograph Series. New Delhi, India: Goodword Books. 664 pp.

Millard, E. S., O. E. Johannsson, M. A. Neilson & A. H. El-Shaarawi. Long-Term, Seasonal and Spatial Trends in Nutrients, Chlorophyll a and Light Attenuation in Lake Ontario. 97–132.

Lynn, D. H., M. Munawar, S. Carou, H. Niblock & P. L. Humby. Abundance, Biomass and Diversity of Planktonic Ciliates (Ciliophora) in Lake Ontario. 171–186.

Munawar, M. & I. F. Munawar. Changes in Phytoplankton Community Structure and Primary Production of Lake Ontario. 187–219.

Johannsson, O. E. A History of Changes in Zooplankton Community Structure and Function in Lake Ontario: Responses to Whole-Lake Remediation and Exotic Invasions. 221–257.

Johannsson, O. E., L. G. Rudstam & E. L. Mills. Mysis relicta in Lake Ontario: Population Dynamics, Trophic Linkages and Further Questions. 257–287.

Lozano, S. J. & T. F. Nalepa. Disruption of the Benthic Community in Lake Ontario. 305–322.

Dermott, R. & M. Geminiuc. 2003. Changes in the benthic fauna of Lake Ontario 1990–1995, with local trends after 1981. 323–345.

Hoyle, J. A, J. M. Casselman, R. Dermott & T. Schaner. Resurgence and Decline of Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) Stocks in Eastern Lake Ontario, 1972–1999. 475–491.

Duggan, I. C., S. A. Bailey, R. I. Colautti, D. K. Gray, J. C. Makarewicz & H. J. MacIsaac. Biological Invasions in Lake Ontario: Past, Present and Future. 541–557.

Negley, T. L., E. L. Mills, B. Baldwin, R. O'Gorman & R. W. Owens. The Ecology and Impact of the Invasion of Lake Ontario by the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) and quagga Mussel (D. bugensis). 559–579.

Dermott R, & M. Munawar. Influence of Dreissena on the Benthos and Primary Production in Lakes Ontario and Erie. 579–593.

Alimov, A. F. & N. G. Bogutskaia (eds.). 2004. Biological Invasions in Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems. Moscow: KMK Scientific Press. 436 pp.

Orlova, M. I., T. W. Therriault, A. A. Protasov & T. A. Kharchenko. Major Reasons of Similarity and Differences of Invasions of Related Species by the Example of Dreissena polymorpha and D. bugensis (Dreissenidae, Bivalvia). 140–430.

Telesh, I. V. & M. I. Orlova. Relationships Between Invasive Species Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas) and Microzooplankton in Coastal Waters of the Neva River Estuary (Gulf of Finland of the Baltic Sea). 268–275.

Van Riper, C. & K. L. Cole. 2004. The Colorado Plateau: Cultural, Biological, and Physical Research. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press. 279 pp.

Anderson M., J. Ritenou, C. I. Van Riper & K. L. Cole. 2004. Preventing Zebra Mussel Infestation at Lake Powell. 239–242.

Edsall, T. & M. Munawar (eds.). 2005. State of Lake Michigan: Ecology, Health, and Management. New Deli, India: Goodword Books. 639 pp. Stoermer, E. F. Lake Michigan Paleolimnology. 53–88.

Janssen, J., M. B. Berg & S. J. Lozano. Submerged Terra Incognita: Lake Michigan's Abundant But Unknown Rocky Reefs. 113–139.

Nalepa, T. F., D. L. Fanslow, G. A. Lang & S. A. Ruberg. Recent Trends in Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities in Lake Michigan. 269–292.

Jude, D., J. Janssen & E. Stoermer. The Uncoupling of Trophic Food Webs by Invasive Species in Lake Michigan. 311–348.

Trudeau, T. N. The State of Lake Michigan in 2000 and Its Linkage to the Joint Strategic Plan for Management of the Great Lakes. 521–536.

Livingston, J. V. (ed.) 2005. Trends in Water Pollution Research. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers. 240 pp.

Pain, S., S. Biagianti-Risbourg & M. Parant. Relevance of the Multixenobiotic Defence Mechanism (MXDM) for the Biological Monitoring of Freshwaters: Example of Its Use in Zebra Mussels. 203–220.

Levinton, J. S. & J. R. Waldman, (eds). 2006. The Hudson Estuary. New York: Cambridge University Press. 471 pp.

Strayer, D. L. The Benthic Animal Community of the Tidal-Freshwater Hudson River Estuary. 266–278.

Strayer, D. L. Alien Species in the Hudson River. 296–310.

Gherardi, F. (ed.). 2007. Biological Invaders in Inland Waters: Profiles, Distribution and Threats. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. 733 pp.

Lanconi, T. & E. Gaino. The Zebra Mussel Dreissena polymorpha: Reproduction and Competition with the Sponge Ephydatia fluviatilis. 597–612.

Elia, A. C., A. J. M. Dorr, M. Prearo & M. C. Abete. Seasonal Effects on the Antioxidant Response and Metal Accumulation of Dreissena polymorpha. 613–624.

Munawar, M. & R. T. Health (eds.). 2008. Checking the Pulse of Lake Erie. New Delhi, India: Goodword Books, Nizamuddin West Market. 640 pp.

Lam, D. C. L., W. M. Schertzer, R. C. McCrimmon, M. Charlton & S. Millard. Modelling Phosphorus and Dissolved Oxygen Conditions Pre- and Post-Dreissena Arrival in Lake Erie. 97–121.

Porta, D. & G. D. Haffner. An Update Review of Contaminant Sources and Loads in Lake Erie. 207–243.

Cornroy, J. D., D. D. Kane & D. A. Culver. Declining Lake Erie Ecosystem Health: Evidence from a Multi-Year, Lake-wide, Plankton Study. 369–408.

Dermott, R. & J. Dow. Changing Benthic Fauna of Lake Erie Between 1993 and 1998. 409–438.

Zhu, X., T. B. Johnson & J. T. Tyson. Synergistic Changes in the Fish Community of Western Lake Erie as Modified by Non-indigenous Species and Environmental Fluctuations. 439–474.

Bailey, S. A., D. W. Kelly, D. K. Gray, K. Nandakumar & H. J. Maclsaac. Nonindigenous Species in Lake Erie: A Chronicle of Established and Projected Aquatic Invaders. 579–603.

Santos, E. B. (ed.) 2009. Ecotoxicology Research Developments. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers. 340 pp.

Dorr A. J. M., A. C. Elia & E. B. Santos. Detoxifying Enzymes of Dreissena polymorpha Treated with Disinfectants, Chlorine Dioxide, Sodium Hypochlorite and Peracetic Acid, for Superficial Water Potabilization. 301–314.

Settele, J., L. Penev, T. Georgiev, R. Grabaum, V. Grobelnik, V. Hammen, S. Klotz, M. Kotarac & I. Kuehn (eds.) 2010. Atlas of Biodiversity Risk. Sofia, Bulgaria: Pensoft Publishers. 300 pp.

Rodriguez-Labajos, B., R. Binimelis, C. Cardona, K. Dittmer, J. Martinez-Alier, I. Monterroso & A. Munne. Chronicle of a Bioinvasion Foretold: Distribution and Management of the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) Invasion in Spain. 198–201.

van der Velde, G., S. Rajagopal & A. bij de Vaate (eds.). 2010. The Zebra Mussel in Europe. Leiden, The Netherlands: Backhuys Publishers. 490 pp., 41 chapters.

van der Velde, G., S. Rajagopal & A. bij de Vaate. From Zebra Mussels to Quagga Mussels: An Introduction to the Dreissenidae. 1–10.

Harzhauser, M. & O. Mandic. Neogene Dreissenids in Central Europe: Evolutionary Shifts and Diversity Changes. 11–28.

Veerween, A., M. Vincx & S. Degraer. Mytilopsis leucophaeata: The Brackish Water Equivalent of Dreissena polymorpha?. A Review. 28–43.

Pollux, B. J. A., G. van der Velde & A. bij de Vaate. A Perspective on Global Spread of Dreissena polymorpha: A Review on Possibilities and Limitations. 45–58.

Therriault, T. W. & M. I. Orlova. Invasion Success Within the Dreissenidae: Prerequisites, Mechanisms and Perspectives. 59–67.

Bidwell, J. R. Range Expansion of Dreissena polymorpha: A Review of Major Dispersal Vectors in Europe and North America. 69–78.

Aldridge, D. C. Dreissena polymorpha in Great Britain: History of Spread, Impacts and Control. 79–91.

Cianfanelli, S. C., E. Lori & M. Bodon. Dreissena polymorpha: Current Status of Knowledge About the Distribution in Italy. 93–100.

Karatayev, A. Y., L. E. Burlakova & D. K. Padilla. Dreissena polymorpha in Belarus: History of Spread, Population Biology and Ecosystem Impacts. 101–111.

Ibars, A. P., I. C. Abaurre, R. C. Mulet & E. R. Ramon. Zebra Mussel Distribution and Habitat Preference in the Lower Ebro River (North East Spain). 113–118.

Stanczykowska, A., K. Lewandowski & M. Czarnoleski. Distribution and Densities of Dreissena polymorpha in Poland: Past and Present. 119–126.

Astanei, I. & E. Gosling. A Microgeographic Analysis of Genetic Variation in Dreissena polymorpha in Lough Key, Ireland. 127–132.

Soroka, M. Genetic Differentiation of Dreissena polymorpha from East-European Countries. 133–143.

Wacker, A. Careless Youth? Food in the Early Life-Stages of Zebra Mussels. 145–151.

Wacker, A. & E. Kraffe. Fatty Acid Nutrition: Its Role in the Reproduction and Growth of Zebra Mussels. 153–159.

Bacchetta, R., P. Mantecca & G. Vailati. Reproductive Behavior of Zebra Mussels Living in Shallow and Deep Water in the South Alps Lakes. 161–168.

Czarnoleski, M., J. Kozlowski, K. Lewandowski, T. Muller & A. Stanczykowska. An Evolutionary Perspective on the Geographic and Temporal Variability of Life Histories in European Zebra Mussels. 169–182.

Araujo, R., M. Valladolid & I. Gomez. Life Cycle and Density of a Newcomer Population of Zebra Mussels in the Ebro River, Spain. 183–189.

Beisel, J.- N., V. Bachmann & J.- C. Moreteau. Growth-at-Length Model and Related Life-History Traits of Dreissena polymorpha in Lotie Ecosystems. 191–197.

Kelly, D. W., L.- M. Herborg & H. J. MacIsaac. Ecosystems Changes Associated with Dreissena Invasions: Recent Developments and Emerging Issues. 199–209.

Sullivan, M., F. Lucy & D. Minchin. The Association Between Zebra Mussels and Aquatic Plants in the Shannon River System in Ireland. 211–217.

Juhel, G., G. Moroney, R. McNamara, R. O']Riordan & S. Culloty. Dynamics of Ophryoglena sp. Infection in Dreissena polymorpha in Ireland. 219–226.

Molloy, D. P., L. Giamberini, L. E. Burlakova, A. Y. Karatayev, J. R. Cryan, S. L. Trajanovski & S. P. Trajanovska. Investigation of the Endosymbionts of Dreissena stankovici with Morphological and Molecular Confirmation of Host Species. 227–237.

Mortl, M., S. Werner & K.- O. Rothhaupt. Effects of Predation by Wintering Water Birds on Zebra Mussels and on Associated Macroinvertebrates. 239–249.

van Eerden, M. R. & J. J. de Leeuw. How Dreissena Sets the Winter Scene for Water Birds: Dynamic Interactions Between Diving Ducks and Zebra Mussels. 251–264.

Noordhuis, R., M. R. van Eerden & M. Roos. Crash of Zebra Mussel, Transparency and Water Bird Populations in Lake Markermeer. 265–277.

Borcherding, J. Steps from Ecological and Ecotoxicological Research to the Monitoring for Water Quality Using the Zebra Mussel in a Biological Early Warning System. 279–283.

Mantecca, P., R. Bacchetta & G. Vailati. Field Application of Histopathological Biomarkers in Dreissena polymorpha. 285–294.

Rotteveel, S. G. P., P. J. den Besten & M. J. C. van der Veen. Application of the Comet Assay in Dreissena polymorpha: Seasonal Changes in Genotoxic Effects. 295–300.

Voets, J., L. Bervoets, R. Smolders, A. Covaei, W. De Coen & R. Blust. Biomonitoring Environmental Pollution in Freshwater Ecosystems Using Dreissena polymorpha. 301–321.

Kuserow, R., M. Mortl, J. Mahlmann, D. Uhlmann & I. Roske. The Design of a Zebra-Mussel-Biofilter. 323–330.

Pires, L. M. D., B. W. Ibelings & E. van Donk. Zebra Mussel as a Potential Tool in the Restoration of Eutrophic Shallow Lakes Dominated by Toxic Cyanobacteria. 331–341.

Weber, A., M. G. D. Smit & M. T. Collombon. Eutrophication and Algal Blooms: Zebra Mussels as a Weapon. 343–347.

Kobak, J. Attachment Strength of Dreissena polymorpha on Artificial Substrates. 349–354.

Bruijs, M. C. M., H. A. Jenner & S. Rajagopal. Industrial Cooling Water Fouling by Dreissenidae. 355–362.

Rajagopal, S., G. van der Velde & H. A. Jenner. Turning the Heat on Dreissena polymorpha: Temperature as a Control Option. 363–369.

Elliot, P., D. C. Aldridge & G. D. Moggridge. The Development of Micro-Encapsulated Toxins to Control Zebra Mussels. 371–381.

Rajagopal, S., G. van der Velde & H. A. Jenner. Chlorination for Dreissena polymorpha Control: Old War-Horse for the New Pest? 383–392.

Claudi, R. & A. J. Van Oostrom. Mitigation of Biofouling in Once-Through Cooling Systems: An Overview and Case Study on Treatment Optimization. 393–402.

Bernat, Y., C. Duran & A. Viamonte. The Zebra Mussel in Spain: Management Strategies to Prevent Its Spread. 403–413.

bij de Vaate, A., S. Rajagopal & G. van der Velde. The Zebra Mussel in Europe: Summary and Synthesis. 415–421.

Pimentel, D. (ed.). 2011. Biological Invasions: Economic and Environmental Costs of Alien Plant, Animal, and Microbe Species, 2nd edition. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. 463 pp.

Pimentel, D. Environmental and Economic Costs Associated with Alien Invasive Species in the United States. 411–430.

Don W. Schloesser and Christine Schmuckal "Bibliography of Dreissena polymorpha (Zebra Mussels) and Dreissena rostriformis Bugensis (QUAGGA Mussels): 1989 to 2011," Journal of Shellfish Research 31(4), 1205-1263, (1 December 2012).
Published: 1 December 2012
Dreissena polymorpha
Dreissena rostriformis bugensis
Quagga mussels
Zebra mussels
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