Classification and relationships of the Ordovician encrinurines Frencrinoides Lespérance and Desbiens and Walencrinoides Lespérance and Desbiens are poorly understood, with little evidence for monophyly of either genus. We revise the type species of both genera, F. capitonis (Frederickson) and W. rarus (Walcott), using new and archival material. We explore their species composition and phylogenetic relationships with a parsimony analysis that includes 17 well-documented ingroup species that can be coded readily, and which is rooted with Encrinuroides regularis Parnaste, the oldest known encrinurine. The results support monophyly of Frencrinuroides and Walencrinuroides, albeit with more limited species membership than proposed by Lespérance and Desbiens. Previous suggestions that both E. uncatus Evitt and Tripp and E. neuter Evitt and Tripp should be assigned to Erratencrinurus Kruger are also supported by our analysis, as is monophyly of Physemataspis Evitt and Tripp. New species are W. rolfi and W. tremblayi.