Representatives of the family Inaniguttidae dominate a diverse and well-preserved radiolarian assemblage from Kazakhstan. The fauna was extracted from a limestone sample of the Shundy Formation, a limestone sequence that accumulated on the slope of a carbonate platform and which crops out in the Aksuran Mountains (North Balkhash Region). The family Inaniguttidae is represented in the studied assemblage by five genera and 14 species (including two new species, Triplococcus aksuranensis and Inanibigutta maletzi). The genus Triplococcus is particularly abundant, representing half of the Inaniguttids in the studied assemblage. Based on the presence of species Haplentactinia juncta, the fauna can be correlated with the upper Darriwilian Haplentactinia juncta–Inanigutta unica assemblage. Identified trilobites (Endymionia semielliptica and Porterfieldia sp. aff. P. delicata) found in the same sample also suggest a late Darriwilian age, which agrees with the age suggested previously by graptolites.