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11 May 2024 Explorational analysis of the abundance and prevalence of chigger and gamasid mites parasitic on small mammals in Vietnam
Anastasia A. Antonovskaia, Evgeny P. Altshuler, Alexander E. Balakirev, Yuliya V. Lopatina
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We studied chigger and gamasid mite loads on small mammals during the dry season in Vietnam and used both our field data and museum collections to estimate the influence of environmental factors on mite abundance and prevalence. Generalized linear (mixed effect) models were used to analyze the data. We examined 1,239 small mammal individuals, which were obtained from field expeditions and museum collections belonging to 59 species. In different localities, Rattus Fischer (Rodentia: Muridae), Niviventer Marshall (Rodentia: Muridae), and Maxomys Sody (Rodentia: Muridae) were the most common animals captured. The prevalence of chigger and gamasid mites in our expedition data was high: 72% and 62%, respectively. We found differences in the abundance of chigger mites between different populations of the same species of small mammals. Season and locality were the main factors that influenced chigger mite abundance and prevalence. The best model that predicted the abundance and prevalence of chigger mites included geography (province) as a predictor and host species and season as random effects. For the first time, we analyzed factors connected with climate and weather affecting chigger mites of small mammals in Vietnam.

Anastasia A. Antonovskaia, Evgeny P. Altshuler, Alexander E. Balakirev, and Yuliya V. Lopatina "Explorational analysis of the abundance and prevalence of chigger and gamasid mites parasitic on small mammals in Vietnam," Journal of Medical Entomology 61(4), 925-939, (11 May 2024).
Received: 5 December 2023; Accepted: 9 May 2024; Published: 11 May 2024

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host–parasite interaction
museum collection
Southeast Asia
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