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1 May 2024 Willingness and Ability of Existing Mosquito Control and Public Health Agencies in New Jersey to Assume Responsibilities for Management of Ticks and Tick-Borne Disease
Robert A. Jordan, Lars Eisen, Terry L. Schulze
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We conducted surveys of New Jersey mosquito control and public health agencies to determine their willingness and ability to expand or create and maintain publicly funded tick and tick-borne disease (T/TBD) management programs. Nearly all (86%) of 21 county mosquito control agencies (MCAs) completed the survey, while only 25% of the 102 health departments (HDs) responded, probably reflecting traditional agency responsibilities. Although few of either group had formal programs, many were engaged inT/TBD-related activities. Many MCAs rated their ability to assumeT/TBD responsibilities as high or moderate, while most HDs rated their capabilities as low.With the exceptions of lack of sustainable funding and possible legal constraints, the groups differed regarding perceived barriers to program creation and maintenance. Both groups envisioned comprehensive programs emphasizing public education, but program priorities differed between the groups. MCAs were willing to include most program activities, while HDs felt that some activities should be the responsibility of other agencies. MCAs were generally more familiar than HDs with tick control methods and while both groups would include control in a comprehensive program, both would limit control to public lands. Estimated program costs varied widely, probably reflecting responding agency size and complexity of envisioned programs. These results in a state with a system of existing agencies staffed by highly competent professionals suggest that more than simply additional funding (e.g., established guidelines for tick control and surveillance) is needed to create a network of practice necessary to address the growing incidence of TBD.

Robert A. Jordan, Lars Eisen, and Terry L. Schulze "Willingness and Ability of Existing Mosquito Control and Public Health Agencies in New Jersey to Assume Responsibilities for Management of Ticks and Tick-Borne Disease," Journal of Medical Entomology 61(4), 1054-1063, (1 May 2024).
Received: 1 November 2023; Accepted: 16 April 2024; Published: 1 May 2024

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tick-borne disease
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