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13 January 2024 Culex erraticus (Diptera: Culicidae) utilizes gopher tortoise burrows for overwintering in North Central Florida
Timothy D. McNamara, Mba-tihssommah Mosore, Alexander Urlaub, Marcus A. Lashley, Nathan D. Burkett-Cadena, Lawrence E. Reeves, Estelle M. Martin
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Mosquito-borne diseases represent a significant threat to human and animal health in the United States. Several viruses, including West Nile, Saint Louis encephalitis, and Eastern equine encephalitis are endemic. In humans, the disease is typically detected during the summer months, but not during the winter months. The ability of these viruses to reemerge year after year is still not fully understood, but typically involves persistence in a reservoir host or vector during periods of low transmission. Mosquito species are known to overwinter at different life stages (adults, larvae, or eggs) in manufactured or natural sites. Gopher tortoise burrows are known to serve as refuge for many vertebrate and invertebrate species in pine savannas. In this study, we surveyed the interior of gopher tortoise burrows for overwintering mosquitoes. We identified 4 species (Anopheles crucians s.l., Culex erraticus, Mansonia dyari, and Uranotaenia sapphirina). Cx. erraticus was the most abundant, and its presence and abundance increased in winter months, implying that this species utilized gopher tortoise burrows for overwintering. Bloodfed Cx. erraticus and An. crucians s.l. females were detected. While An. crucians s.l. fed exclusively on the white-tailed deer, Cx. erraticus had a more diverse host range but fed primarily on the gopher tortoise.Tortoises and other long-lived reptiles like the American alligator have been shown to sustain high viremia following West Nile virus (WNV) and Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) infection and therefore could play a role in the maintenance of these viruses. In addition, Cx. erraticus is naturally infected with WNV and is a known bridge vector for EEEV. As such, these overwintering sites may play a role in perpetuating over-winter arboviral activity in Florida.

Graphical Abstract

Timothy D. McNamara, Mba-tihssommah Mosore, Alexander Urlaub, Marcus A. Lashley, Nathan D. Burkett-Cadena, Lawrence E. Reeves, and Estelle M. Martin "Culex erraticus (Diptera: Culicidae) utilizes gopher tortoise burrows for overwintering in North Central Florida," Journal of Medical Entomology 61(2), 454-464, (13 January 2024).
Received: 4 September 2023; Accepted: 9 January 2024; Published: 13 January 2024

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