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17 April 2024 The structure of Congolese shrew ensembles: competition and spatial variation in resource abundance
Frederik Van de Perre, Michael R. Willig, Steven J. Presley, Herwig Leirs, Erik Verheyen
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Interspecific competition, environmental filtering, or spatial variation in productivity can contribute to positive or negative spatial covariance in the abundances of species across ensembles (i.e., groups of interacting species defined by geography, resource use, and taxonomy). In contrast, density compensation should give rise to a negative relationship between ecomorphological similarity and abundance of species within ensembles. We evaluated (1) whether positive or negative covariances characterized the pairwise relationships of 21 species of Congolese shrew, and (2) whether density compensation characterized the structure of each of 36 Congolese shrew ensembles, and did so based on the abundances or biomasses of species. In general, positive covariance is more common than negative covariance based on considerations of abundance or biomass, suggesting dominant roles for environmental filtering and productivity. Nonetheless, negative covariance is more common for ecomorphologically similar species, suggesting a dominant role for competition within functional groups. Effects of abundance or biomass compensation, via pairwise or diffuse competitive interactions, were detected less often than expected by chance, suggesting that interspecific competition is not the dominant mechanism structuring these ensembles. Effects of competition may be balanced by responses to variation in resource abundance among sites in a landscape or among niche spaces within sites. Future studies of compensatory effects should incorporate considerations of heterogeneity in the abundance and distribution of resources in ecological space to better isolate the effects of competition and resource abundance, which can have opposing effects on community structure.

Frederik Van de Perre, Michael R. Willig, Steven J. Presley, Herwig Leirs, and Erik Verheyen "The structure of Congolese shrew ensembles: competition and spatial variation in resource abundance," Journal of Mammalogy 105(5), 1083-1093, (17 April 2024).
Received: 25 April 2023; Accepted: 15 March 2024; Published: 17 April 2024
biomass compensation
Congo basin
density compensation
interspecific competition
Lowland rainforest
positive spatial covariance
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