The Editors – Andy and Kelly – and the JFMS Open Reports editorial team (Abi, Hannah and Emma) would like to extend their sincere thanks to all the following people who have been so helpful in reviewing papers for JFMS Open Reports in 2023, recognising the exceptional efforts, and juggling of commitments, required in providing their expertise. They also thank all of the Editorial Board for their support over the year and apologise to anyone who has inadvertently been missed from this list.

JFMS Open Reports reviewers in 2023

Camila Louise Ackermann, Brazil

Nuno Alexandre, Portugal

Lisa Alves, UK

Camila Amaral, Brazil

Lenore Bacek, USA

Vanessa Barrs, Hong Kong

Julia Beatty, Hong Kong

Tristram Bennett, Australia

Nora Berghoff, Germany

Sonya Bettenay, Germany

Jean Philippe Billet, France

Adrian Boswood, UK

Edyta Bula, USA

William Bush, USA

Emmanuelle Butty, USA

Marie Cadiergues, France

Patrick Carney, USA

Brad Case, USA

Marjorie Chandler, UK

Dennis Chew, USA

Dana Clarke, USA

Katherine Clarke, UK

Veronica Cola, Italy

Francesco Collivignarelli, Italy

Simon Cook, UK

Katia Corgozinho, Brazil

Sandra Corr, UK

John Cullen, USA

Clarisse D’Août, UK

Alexandre Daniel, Brazil

Alice Defarges, Canada

Peter Dickinson, USA

Melanie Dobromylskyj, UK

Roswitha Dorsch, Germany

Jitender P Dubey, USA

Nahvid Etedali, USA

Duncan Ferguson, USA

Janean Fidel, USA

Barbro Filliquist, USA

Robert Foster, Canada

Mila Freire, Canada

Hayley Gallaher, USA

Pru Galloway, New Zealand

Jessica Grant, UK

Thomas Graves, USA

James Grierson, UK

Danièlle Gunn-Moore, UK

Lynn Guptill-Yoran, USA

Ahmet Gürsel, Turkey

Jiwoong Her, USA

Ann Hohenhaus, USA

Merrilee Holland, USA

Laura Homer, UK

Boyd Jones, New Zealand

Peter Kook, Switzerland

Matthew Kornya, Canada

Dorothee Krainer, Austria

Kate KuKanich, USA

Maxime Kurtz, France

Jane Ladlow, UK

Sorrel Langley-Hobbs, UK

Michael Lappin, USA

Elizabeth Layne, USA

Tekla Lee-Fowler, USA

Sally Lester, USA

Chai-Fei Li, USA

Beth Licitra, USA

Albert Lloret, Spain

Dan Lopez, USA

Mark Lowrie, UK

Leslie Lyons, USA

Richard Malik, Australia

Francesca Mancianti, Italy

Xavier Manteca, Spain

Kathleen Maxwell, USA

Masaki Michishita, Japan

John Munday, New Zealand

Stefano Nicoli, Italy

Stijn Niessen, UK

Ran Nivy, Israel

Carolyn O’Brien, Australia

Laura Owen, UK

Katherine Pankratz, USA

Mark Papich, USA

Elizabeth Parsley, USA

Armi Pigott, USA

Guido Pisani, Italy

Charles Pittaway, UK

Alessandro Poli, Italy

Kathryn Pratschke, UK

Stuart Price, USA

Nicola Reed, UK

Simon Roe, USA

Stefano Romagnoli, Italy

Henrik Rönnberg, Sweden

Kirsty Royle, Canada

Elizabeth Rozanski, USA

Jacob Rubin, USA

Başar Sayilkan, Turkey

Ingo Schäfer, Germany

Chad Schmiedt, USA

Bianka Schulz, Germany

Christopher Scudder, UK

Gloria Shelton, USA

Ken Smith, UK

Tim Spotswood, Canada

Frank Steffen, Switzerland

Katja Steiger, Germany

Christoph Stork, UK

Catherine Sturgeon, UK

Kit Sturgess, UK

Roberto Tamburro, Italy

Shinji Tamura, Japan

Chris Thomson, USA

Ann Trimmer, USA

Julie Trzil, USA

Sara Verganti, UK

Hayley Volk, Australia

Karen Walsh, UK

Craig Webb, USA

Scott Weese, Canada

Mark Westman, Australia

Joanna Whitney, Australia

David Williams, UK

John Williams, UK

Kate Worthing, Australia

Florian Wuillemin, France

© The Author(s) 2024

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"Thank you to our reviewers," Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery Open Reports 10(1), (11 March 2024).
Published: 11 March 2024
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