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1 October 2006 Interactions of Wheat Variety, Production Environments, and Prior Insect Damage on Postharvest Resistance to the Lesser Grain Borer
Matthew J. Broughton, Florence V. Dunkel
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Wheat, Triticum aestivum L., varietal resistance to the lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica (F), was evaluated in hard spring wheat produced in 2001 and 2002 (Bozeman, Moccasin, and Huntley, MT). We tested the hypothesis that seed coat factors, not the endosperm, cause feeding resistance to R. dominica and that this resistance is genetic, not affected by agronomic conditions. Using a rapid, intensive feeding bioassay (frass production), we found, with one exception, no significant difference in resistance to R. dominica, among sound kernels of hard red wheat, comparing all locations and cultural conditions (irrigated versus dryland production). The most significantly resistant samples as indicated by lowest feeding activity (measured by lowest frass production) were ‘Amidon’ produced at Moccasin under dryland conditions and Amidon produced at Huntley under irrigated conditions. As with previous studies done in our laboratory, sound kernels of all hard wheat varieties from these new crop year studies (2001, 2002) were attacked. When subsamples of these varieties from the same locations and cultural conditions as the previous test were first subjected to a heavy infestation of Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) and then to the same age adult R. dominica, damage was significantly greater. Each kernel chosen for this test had been equally damaged by P. interpunctella larvae, germ consumed, endosperm not damaged, but fully exposed behind germ, no other damage. This collaborative damage caused feeding damage by R. dominica to increase 2- to 7.5-fold (as measured by R. dominica frass production). Particularly notable was ‘McNeal’ that switched from one of the most resistant varieties to the most fed upon, when the endosperm was exposed by P. interpunctella larvae. Therefore, we confirmed that at least one factor conferring resistance in McNeal is located in the kernel pericarp.

Matthew J. Broughton and Florence V. Dunkel "Interactions of Wheat Variety, Production Environments, and Prior Insect Damage on Postharvest Resistance to the Lesser Grain Borer," Journal of Economic Entomology 99(5), 1826-1834, (1 October 2006).
Received: 2 September 2005; Accepted: 1 May 2006; Published: 1 October 2006

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hard red spring wheat
Indianmeal moth
Rhyzopertha dominica
sequential feeding
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