This study evaluated the effect of Summon Preferred Food Source on feeding, tunneling, and bait station discovery by the Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki. Bioassays were conducted to determine whether Summon disks affected the aggregation and feeding behavior of termites and to determine whether the presence of Summon disks caused increased recruitment of termites to wood blocks. When termites encountered the disk, they immediately clustered on top of the disk. Termites were observed aggregating on top of the disk throughout the experiment. Consumption of Summon disks was significantly greater than consumption of cardboard disks in paired choice tests. The presence of a Summon disk on top of a wood block caused a significant increase in consumption of the wood block. Bioassays also were conducted to determine whether water extracts of Summon disks affected termite behavior. Consumption of filter paper disks treated with a water extract of Summon disks was significantly greater than consumption of control filter paper disks. Termites tunneled through sand treated with a water extract of Summon disks faster than they tunneled through untreated sand. In a field test, the rate of infestation of monitoring stations with a Summon disk was 3 times greater than the rate of infestations of stations without a disk.