Potential resistance to the twolined spittlebug, Prosapia bicincta (Say), was evaluated among 56 turfgrass genotypes. Greenhouse, laboratory, and field bioassays identified differences in spittlebug survival and development, host preference and damage levels, and turfgrass tolerance to and ability to recover from pest induced injury. All centipede grasses demonstrated high levels of susceptibility, followed by bermudagrasses, seashore paspalums, and zoysiagrasses. Average nymphal survival to the adult stage ranged from 1.5 to 78.1%. Development required 38.1–62.0 d under greenhouse conditions, depending on plant taxa. Among seashore paspalums, nymphal survival to the adult stage was lowest and duration of development was longest on HI-1, ‘Sea Isle 2000’, 561-79, and ‘Mauna Kea’. Reduced spittlebug survival and increased developmental times were also observed on the bermudagrasses BERPC 91–15 and ‘Tifway’. Although zoysiagrasses supported spittlebug development and survival to the adult stage, developmental times were extended on the zoysiagrass cultivars ‘Emerald’ and ‘El Toro’. Spittlebug preference varied with generation evaluated. First-generation spittlebugs inflicted the greatest damage on TC201 (centipede grass), ‘Primavera’ (bermudagrass), and ‘Emerald’ (zoysiagrass) in choice tests. In the fall, second-generation spittlebugs damaged TC201 (centipedegrass) and ‘Sea Isle 1’ (paspalum) most severely, whereas 561-79 (paspalum) and ‘Emerald’(zoysiagrass) were less severely affected. Among taxa included in field trials, HI-1, ‘Mauna Kea’, ‘Sea Isle 2000’,and AP-14 paspalums, ‘Tifway’ bermudagrass, and ‘Emerald’ zoysiagrass were most tolerant (demonstrated the best regrowth potential following twolined spittlebug feeding).
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1 April 2002
Evaluation of Turfgrass Species and Cultivars for Potential Resistance to Twolined Spittlebug (Hemiptera: Cercopidae)
S. L. Shortman,
S. K. Braman,
R. R. Duncan,
W. W. Hanna,
M. C. Engelke
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Journal of Economic Entomology
Vol. 95 • No. 2
April 2002
Vol. 95 • No. 2
April 2002
host plant resistance
seashore paspalum
twolined spittlebug