Resistance of two strains of cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover, to fenvalerate and imidacloprid were determined on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and cucumber (Cucumis sativa L.) after resistance selection of one strain to fenvalerate for 16 consecutive generations, and of a second strain to imidacloprid for 12 consecutive generations on cotton in greenhouses. Dose–response and activities of detoxication enzymes of the fenvalerate-resistant strain (R-fenvalerate), the imidacloprid-resistant strain (R-imidacloprid), and a susceptible strain (S) were determined. After 16 consecutive generations of selection, resistance of A. gossypii to fenvalerate increased >29,000-fold and to imidacloprid 8.1-fold. On cucumber, resistance of the R-fenvalerate strain to fenvalerate increased 700-fold and to imidacloprid 3.6-fold. However, the most significant finding in this study was that the R-imidacloprid strain exhibited cross-resistance to fenvalerate, with a resistance ratio of 108.9-fold on cotton and 33.5-fold on cucumber, whereas the R-fenvalerate strain did not show significant cross-resistance to imidacloprid on either plant species. Both resistant strains of A. gossypii were more resistant to fenvalerate on cotton than on cucumber, whereas their susceptibility to imidacloprid on cotton and cucumber were not significantly different. The response of the S strain to fenvalerate and imidacloprid were similar on cotton and cucumber. Activities of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and α-naphthylacetate (α-NA) esterases of A. gossypii were significantly different among the three strains, with the R-fenvalerate strain having the highest, followed by the R-imidacloprid strain, and the S strain the lowest. The activities of the AChE and α-NA esterases for all three strains were also significantly higher on cotton than on cucumber. The resistance mechanism and resistance management strategies for the R-fenvalerate and R-imidacloprid strains of A. gossypii to fenvalerate and imidacloprid on cotton and cucumber are discussed.
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1 April 2002
Resistance of Aphis gossypii (Homoptera: Aphididae) to Fenvalerate and Imidacloprid and Activities of Detoxification Enzymes on Cotton and Cucumber
K-Y. Wang,
T-X. Liu,
C-H. Yu,
X-Y. Jiang,
M-Q. Yi
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Journal of Economic Entomology
Vol. 95 • No. 2
April 2002
Vol. 95 • No. 2
April 2002
Aphis gossypii
host plant
insecticide resistance