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1 April 2000 Spatial Distribution and Sampling Plans for Thrips palmi (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) Infesting Fall Potato in Korea
Kijong Cho, Sang-Hoon Kang, Gwan-Seok Lee
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The spatial distribution of adult and immature Thrips palmi Karny on fall potato, Solanum tuberosum L., on Cheju Island, Korea, was studied over a 2-yr period by visually inspecting potato leaves. The majority of thrips collected from the leaves were observed in the top one-third of the plant. The within-field spatial patterns of adults and immature thrips were aggregated. The slopes and intercepts of Taylor’s power law did not differ among adults and immature thrips. A fixed-precision-level sampling plan was developed using the parameters from Taylor’s power law and was tested with resampling simulations using eight independent data sets. Over a wide range of densities, the simulation demonstrated that actual sampling precision (d = SEM/mean) values at d = 0.25 averaged <0.24 in all cases. A binomial sampling plan for estimating mean density was developed using an empirical model evaluated at tally thresholds (the minimum number of insects present before a leaf is considered infested) of one, three, five, and eight thrips per leaf. Increasing sampling size had little effect on the precision of the estimated mean regardless of tally threshold (T). However, increasing T had a dramatic effect on precision. The best tally threshold for estimating thrips density based on the applicable density ranges and the precision of the model was T = 5. A binomial sampling plan with a tally threshold of five and a fixed sample size of 30 leaves should be an effective replacement for enumerative counts when thrips average <10 per leaf.

Kijong Cho, Sang-Hoon Kang, and Gwan-Seok Lee "Spatial Distribution and Sampling Plans for Thrips palmi (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) Infesting Fall Potato in Korea," Journal of Economic Entomology 93(2), 503-510, (1 April 2000).
Received: 21 December 1998; Accepted: 1 October 1999; Published: 1 April 2000

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binomial sampling
fixed-precision-level sampling
Taylor’s power law
Thrips palmi
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