Complete development of Orius majusculus Reuter (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) at nine constant temperatures, between 12 and 34°C, was evaluated under laboratory conditions. The maximum developmental period of 90.75 d occurred at 12°C, whereas the minimum of 11.34 d occurred at 30°C. From 30 to 34°C, the developmental period increased to 13.50 d. Between 21 and 33°C the survival rate was more than 80%. The optimal temperature when considering developmental rate and survival was between 24 and 30°C. At constant temperatures, four models were developed, one of which was linear and three nonlinear (Logan type III, Lactin, and Brière). All models were validated under field conditions and diel temperature variations. The values of the adjusted determination coefficients of the linear (>0.77) and nonlinear models (>0.93) were high. The thermal requirement for complete development, from egg to adult, was 284.5 degree-days (DD). In all nonlinear models, elevated levels of accuracy (≥90.31%) in field validation were also obtained, especially in the Brière model. With the results obtained herein, the optimization of O. majusculus mass rearing, its ideal use, and field management in biological control strategies can be improved.