Karambas, T.; Koftis, T., and Prinos, P., 2016. Modeling of nonlinear wave attenuation due to vegetation.
In the present work, a nonlinear wave propagation model is developed and is applied for the simulation of the wave dissipation over vegetation. The free-surface flow over the vegetation is simulated using a Boussinesq model, while the flow within the canopy is simulated by solving simultaneously a canopy flow model. The parameters of the canopy flow model are related to the geometric characteristics of the vegetation, while the drag coefficient is taken from existing formulas found in literature and is related to the Reynolds number. The coupling between the Boussinesq and the canopy flow model is simulated by adding two extra terms, due to vegetation, in the continuity and momentum equations of the Boussinesq model. The numerical results are found to be in good agreement with several experimental measurements found in the relevant literature. The advantage of the proposed methodology is based on a nonlinear Boussinesq-type wave model, with wide range of applications for both engineering and scientific purposes, and the use of a canopy flow model with no calibration needed for the model coefficients. Moreover, a simple formula is extracted from the results for the estimation of the wave damping coefficient depending on the meadow and wave parameters.