Knight in the Order of the Dutch Lion
This great honor has been bestowed upon one of our illustrious members of the Journal of Coastal Research Editorial Board, Professor Dr. Marcel Stive. Marcel has served on the Board since 2005 and remains active in the activities of the JCR, carrying out many editorial duties. We proudly acknowledge his scientific achievements in the area of coastal research and are glad to have him as a member of our team effort. Congratulations to Marcel for excellence in the call of duty far and wide.
Professor Marcel Stive, professor of Coastal Engineering at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, was appointed Knight in the Order of the Dutch Lion in theatre the Rijswijkse Schouwburg in Rijswijk. Professor Marcel Stive was presented with the award for his outstanding record as top researcher, much consulted expert, distinguished engineer, and inspiring teacher.
An appealing and well-known concept he created is the Sand Engine (soon to be featured in a forthcoming issue of the JCR), the island constructed of dredged sand off the coast of Kijkduin that ingeniously and efficiently contributes to our coastal safety. With the European ERC Advanced Grant, which he received in 2011, Marcel continues to carry out further research into the operation of the Sand Engine. He was recently awarded an honorary doctorate from Lund University (Sweden) for his pioneering work in the field of mathematical calculations on how currents and waves work.
Based on his expertise, he has fulfilled numerous advisory roles such as his participation in the Second Delta Committee (‘Committee Veerman'), which issued recommendations in 2008 on how to ensure (greater) security against flooding in the Netherlands. He is currently advisor for a great number of projects aimed at reinforcing the weak parts of the Dutch coast. As professor, he successfully conveys his knowledge and involvement to successive generations of new students.