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1 March 2011 Performance of Experimental Low Volume Beach Fill and Clay Core Dune Shore Protection Project
Ty V. Wamsley, Jeffery P. Waters, David B. King
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An experimental shoreline protection project in Jefferson County, TX was constructed and monitored as part of the National Shoreline Erosion Control Development and Demonstration Program. The project determined the effectiveness of a nontraditional, low volume beach fill at reducing erosion of underlying clay layers and evaluated the performance of a clay core dune compared with that of a sand filled dune. Four cells were constructed on the beach face having 0.18 or 0.25 mm sand and fill volumes of 6 or 12 cy/ft. A fifth control cell had no fill. A 2500 ft long dune was constructed, with half being composed entirely of sand and half being composed of a clay core and sand cap. The project was constructed during the summer of 2004 and was impacted by Hurricane Ivan in September 2004 and later by the same storm as Tropical Storm Ivan in October 2004. An evaluation of profiles and other data taken before, between, and after these storms shows that the clay core dune survived the storms much more intact than the dune constructed entirely of sand. The clay core dune suffered minor scarping at its seaward toe, while up to the seaward half of the sand dune was removed in some sections. The results of the low volume beach fill were also promising. The fill performed well by protecting the underlying clay layer from erosion, but interpretation of the results is complicated by the presence of geotextile tube groins that were placed to contain the fill.

Ty V. Wamsley, Jeffery P. Waters, and David B. King "Performance of Experimental Low Volume Beach Fill and Clay Core Dune Shore Protection Project," Journal of Coastal Research 2011(10059), 202-210, (1 March 2011).
Received: 21 March 2010; Accepted: 15 June 2010; Published: 1 March 2011
Hurricane Ivan
Jefferson County Texas
Tropical cyclone
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