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1 March 2011 Beach Nourishment on Tróia Peninsula, Portugal
Tanya M. Silveira, Nicholas C. Kraus, Norbert P. Psuty, Francisco Andrade
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Tróia peninsula, located on the western coast of Portugal, is undergoing tourism development, including construction of a marina. The marina basin was created by dredging a coastal stretch on the northern terminus of the peninsula on the estuarine side, making available beach-quality sediment for nourishment. A study was carried out to identify potential applications and opportunities to place the dredged sand in a beneficial manner. Many variables were considered in the study design in incorporating pre-project beach profile surveys and sediment sampling. Beach-fill design and placement procedures were proposed according to the purpose and constraints of the particular site, while recognizing the implications of the nourishment in a regional sediment management context. Between October 2006 and March 2007, 286,000 m3 of sand was placed along four beach sectors with a total alongshore extent of 1,700 m in the vicinity of the new marina and the Tróia Roman Ruins archeological site. The emplacements included dune, beach berm, and beach face nourishment, providing restoration of beaches and dunes and also increased buffering capacity in an area of damage to cultural resources of the peninsula. A monitoring program was deployed to assess performance and impacts of the nourishment on adjacent areas, and to identify problems and their causes. The surveys of August 2007 indicate that a significant part of the emplaced sand had been mobilized alongshore promoting the spreading of the fill material to down-drift areas while inducing a general reduction in the beach face slope, and attaining a more natural beach profile.

Tanya M. Silveira, Nicholas C. Kraus, Norbert P. Psuty, and Francisco Andrade "Beach Nourishment on Tróia Peninsula, Portugal," Journal of Coastal Research 2011(10059), 173-180, (1 March 2011).
Received: 9 September 2009; Accepted: 15 April 2010; Published: 1 March 2011
Beach fill design
beneficial use
Regional sediment management
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